Winter in Bohemia Welcome Winter Telegrams Announcements

01:00 AM
Lando's Avatar
Name: Vicky
Posts: 15,423
Status: Offline
Pronouns: She/Her
High Lady
Board Rules and Regulations   03-05-2017 until 01-02-2106

- Please do not use swearwords or other offensive terms in your username.
- Usernames can be changed 3 months.
- Please use this form to apply for a username change.

- All avatars must be 225x325, only Contributors and Staff can have GIFs
- The signature size is 600x300, which also includes text
- If you would like your avatars or signatures cropped/resized, you can contact one of the staff to help you out.

- Users are only allowed one account at any time.
- If anyone is found with a duplicate account the secondary account will be deleted and the user will be banned without notice.
- if you are locked out of your original account and have made a second account because of this please contact the admin and they will gain you access to your original account with the secondary account being merged into the original. If you are unable to make a secondary account please either email the staff account at or send a DM to our twitter account @winterinbohemia

- We do not tolerate bashing, cursing or attacking members and staff of this board. This is taken very seriously and usually followed by heavy administrative action which may lead to a temporary or permanent ban.
- Keep spamming to a minimum. We have plenty of out of character threads for you to have fun with.
- No double posting, unless it's been more than a week. Edit your post if you need to add something else.
- Threads posted in the wrong forum will be moved/deleted without notice.
- You may not advertise your board/site on any post. These will be removed without notice.

- Any content from TV shows, Movies or trailers can not be used in personal sets for up to 48 hours from their original air date.
- If you are desperate to discuss anything please stick to or create the threads in the correct section.

- We do not operate a site rating here on Winter in Bohemia. However, please warn for for gratuitous violence or sex or drugs via your post by selecting the mature option

- We hope that you will have no need for complaints here on Winter in Bohemia but just in case: should you not be able to resolve it between yourselves please PM one of the admins.

- For the love of god stay hydrated! We've almost taken out three staff on the board from lack of water!


- All members are allowed 10 characters per game
- Contributors can buy extra slots for each game taking their total character slots per game to 15 characters per game.
- The only game with more character slots is American Dreams. Members may have 30 characters within the game and contributors may have 45 characters
- Scenes containing gratuitous violence/explicit sex scenes/drugs will need to select the mature rating found at the bottom of the post (see: site rating note)
- AI reserves are 1 month for everyone regardless (this includes admin and mods). AIs can be re-reserved once only.
- Everyone may reserve two actor images per game, three for American Dreams
- There is no limit to the number of scenes your characters can be in!
- All game avatars must be up to 300x200
After one year of a character not being in active play they will automatically be retired and their AI will be freed up. A note will be left on the character to indicate this. After retirement this character can be resubmitted once but if after an additional 3 months unplayed they will be retired once more this time permanently. Characters retired by the members own wish are not subject to this ruling. In effect from June '18

03-05-2017 01:00 AM   

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