Winter in Bohemia Welcome The Front Lobby Checking in...

10:36 PM
Into the Frost
Coeus's Avatar
Name: Stu
Posts: 32
Status: Offline

Hey guys!

Seems fitting to revive this thread, after an extended hiatus filled with personal drama (don't ask) I'm back

Can't wait to get stuck in and get skme posts going with you!
16-09-2018 10:36 PM   
10:50 PM
Into the Frost
Eponine's Avatar
Name: Nadya
Posts: 1,891
Status: Offline
Hey Stu!

I wasn't here last time you were around, so feels poignant that I say my hellos too! I also don't remember seeing you before, but there are that many forums that I can't be too sure. I've been around plenty myself in the past.

Hope your personal drama is behind you now!

There are plenty of people here to help if you need it but if not dive straight into the OOC threads to get to know us and to plot anything.

_~ Nadya
16-09-2018 10:50 PM   
11:03 PM
Into the Frost
Coeus's Avatar
Name: Stu
Posts: 32
Status: Offline
Thanks Nadya, don't think we've ever RP'd together... there are so many forums though we may have crossed paths.

Can't wait to get to know you guys more
16-09-2018 11:03 PM   
11:13 PM
Lando's Avatar
Name: Vicky
Posts: 15,433
Status: Offline
Pronouns: She/Her
High Lady
Welcome back Stu! Please make yourself very at home!
And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Right in front of me
16-09-2018 11:13 PM   

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