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08:27 AM
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Evan Portelli

For May's Character Spotlight of the Month, we finally find our way to the supernatural hotspot of Barcelona and Evan Portelli, a little vampire who probably wishes that he wasn't so obviously in everyone's sights.

Evan Portelli was born in a little port town in Italy. His parents gave him a rather sheltered childhood, but he still managed to be a social butterfly, enjoying a large circle of friends and basking in the energy that came from a crowd. He was a bright young man, earning a position at the University of Genoa to study Philosophy. Unfortunately, too much alcohol the night after his final exams found him very drunk on the streets and in the path of a vampire who didn't hesitate to take advantage.

After being disowned by his family, Evan made his way out of Italy, ending up in Barcelona. Without a place to stay, Evan found shelter where he could and food where he could get it. A rather philanthropic young man, he set up his own charity of sorts, involving taking money from men who didn't understand the concept of no from their dates and using it to by designer shoes. It was mostly for his own purposes until he crossed paths with werewolf bartender, Dylan Montagna, at the Sidecar Club. Dylan had a couch he offered to homeless strays, and between that and some playful banter, Evan couldn't keep himself away from. The flirtation flew hard and fast before Evan found himself with the offer of another night on the couch along with a date at L'Ovella Negra Ramblas. Evan's trying hard not consider what the long-term possibilities of this is, but he hasn't got a lot else going for him and maybe Dylan is offering what he's looking for?

There is a lot more to Evan that has yet to come to light, but already this vampire with a heart of gold is showing that not all vampires are big, bad and scary. Congratulations Todd (Futile Devices) on Evan and Character Spotlight of the month!

02-05-2018 08:27 AM   
09:27 AM
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Libby Harrow/Murdoch

Welcome to June, the month of our anniversary, and we are choosing a special character as she is two different character bios existing in three games. Libby Harrow and Libby Murdoch are one and the same, one soul showing how the same character can exist in two different universes as well as two different stages of her life.

In City of Blinding Lights the start of Libby Harrow's life was certainly an interesting one. Her mother, Calandra, had decided to bring her into the world all on her own because she believed that her father wouldn't have wanted her. From the moment she was born no child had ever been loved more, the two of them the truest of soulmates there ever could have been. From the very start however it was clear that she was her father's child, Bastian had been artist and so was she, loving to draw and paint from a very young age. They lived in London for the first years of her life but her mother was offered a job in New York and the two of them made it across the pond to set up a new life there, something that Libby hated a lot. Fate would get in the way and in the last place that Calandra had ever thought he would find them, Bastian came back into their lives letting Libby meet her Papa for the first time. The two of them connected instantly and she loved her father. She may only have been thirteen but to her everything felt complete. The Libby of current day New York still has so much growing up to do, first loves to live through, but she is getting there slowly. Her world will change shortly enough.

Fairy Lights allow us to peer twenty years into the future with Libby all grown up with a love of her own. Having studied in London for university she then found job in Paris allowing her to explore her love of art for a living. A chance encounter on a trip back to London Libby some how found herself stuck with an over sized Scot in her life. The pair of them had an incredibly happy life in Paris, while they weren't married Libby and Jack were happy and there was nothing that made her want to leave their life there. Not at least until she became pregnant. The moment the stick changed colour Libby had the urge to move back across the pond to the city she didn't love with her heart but the one that kept her whole family safe. Jack would do anything to make his love happy so he made the move with her and the pair of them created a warm home there. Her pregnancy didn't exactly go smoothly, pre-eclampsia was a real risk, and as soon as she had given birth Libby had a seizure and they almost all lost her. Luck was on her side though, she came through it and was able to hold her new born son, Lachlan, and know what it really is to love and be loved.

In SVB our Libby is a little different and yet still the same. The daughter of Callie and Bastian Murdoch, she always knew about the supernatural world before it had been revealed to the public. Her father was a three hundred year old werewolf and her mother was a banshee a millennia old, her history stretching back to the Roman invasion of Britain. She grew up in London in relative safety, the city being one where supernaturals could easily hide. There was still a passion for art and a love for her family. There was always a feeling of something being missing however, and it was not until she turned sixteen that she was told why. Libby was a wolf and that side of her had already found its wolf mate only he had run away from her. That left a hole inside of her that she could never fill, and it was only when her mother told her where to find the other half of her did Libby end up in Barcelona. This was a different experience for her, the supernatural world was more in the open here even though it was not without its risks. But more importantly she found him, she found Jack in the heart of the city and suddenly that part of her no longer felt empty. That did not mean however she didn't have many reservations. Libby had been brought up as a strong woman with her own emotions and thoughts, love and living in Barcelona were things she would have to deal with in her own way and own time.

There is so much I could say about Libby, it is wonderful to take such an interesting character and see her on such a different journey through different stages of her life and different universes. So congratulations Mel (Laudanum) on Libby and Character Spotlight of the month!

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

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03-06-2018 09:27 AM      
04:02 PM
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Elizabeth Zhang

We've now hit July and our 12th character of the month. We've decided to turn the spotlight on our newest game, the warm island of Antillia to meet Elizabeth Zhang to uncover all the secrets she may hold close to her heart.

Elizabeth was both as Yingchen, a native of Jinan, China. Her mother was a teenager when she'd had her and her grandmother kicked her out when she became pregnant. They left the country and Liz grew up on the edge of China Town, living a life between two worlds. It wasn't a perfect childhood either, her mother went from abusive boyfriend to abusive boyfriend and by the age of 12 she herself had begun smoking and drinking. The boyfriends often turned on her as well, her childhood made her grow up fast, she barely went to school and her way of life truly meant she barely had any childhood at all. By the age of 15 she'd moved out of home and generally jumped from boyfriend to boyfriend, not being so different from her mother after all.

That meant by the time she had met Tom it was easy for her to trust her heart to someone that truly should never have been trusted. He threw cash at her, took her away to LA, gave her a life she had never known she could have and in turn it gave him a chance to emotionally abuse her and become her whole life. Not only that but he managed to poison her and steal her away to the island of Antillia, keeping her drugged and out of it for a whole year to the point that Liz almost lost herself completely. Currently she is trying to pick up the pieces to her life, all the while getting to know the man who had watched over in her coma but also the man whom had ultimately saved her. Bamboo was Tom's brother but he had also been duped into playing a part in all of her trauma. It began off awkwardly, understandably so, eventually it started to become a little easier between them. However the question of Tom/Hickle was still there when he would eventually turn up once more as well as Liz getting through her therapy and getting better.

Truly Liz is one of the most complex characters on the board with an interesting storyline to follow! Congratulations Daphne (Callista) on Liz and Character Spotlight of the month!

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

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01-07-2018 04:02 PM   
05:20 PM
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Cristian Falco

For the first time we find ourself in Prague for our lucky 13th Character of the Month with Cristian Falco one of our ballet boys.

Cristian is the middle of three children, born to an Italian father and an America mother, making him fluent in both languages. Ultimately however he grew up in Kansas, America which was where he began to learn his craft. Always a perfectionist he didn't let it phase him when people called him names, he had a goal to get to and he was going to get there with hard work. There was a lot of passion within Cristian, passion that came out as anger that he put into the dance. It made him critical of everything too, not just of himself but of everyone else too, the Italian part of himself shining through. His dream was to be a member of the School of American Ballet but after his parents divorced when he was 15 that dream began to crumble. Especially when his mother met in love with a Czech man and the two of them married, moving them all across the world to start a new life.

In Prague he was enrolled in the National Ballet School there whilst also attending High School. He'd thought that as soon as he'd graduated he would move back to America to join the national school back home but when the chance to join the Czech National Theatre Ballet was presented it he decided to remain in Prague. He found himself living with two other people in a house share, one housemate wasn't too bad but living with Rafael wasn't easy. The other man was a stripper whom likes to have lovers over and walks around naked all the time. Just because Cristian was gay didn't mean that he was going to fall for him that easily, despite what the other man might have thought. Then again with Rafael now injured and Cristian helping to look after him it seemed like feelings were all over the place and he was flirting a little bit with danger. He even took to leaving the ballet on time and not staying afterwards for more practice. What exactly could it all mean?

Cristian is one of the hardest working ballet dancers in Prague, no doubt he'll be principal soon! Congratulations Sandra (Kaz Brekker) on Cristian and Character Spotlight of the month!
And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

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01-08-2018 05:20 PM      
02:38 PM
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Romeo Fitz

In September we fly back to the game where dreams do come true for Character of the Month with Romeo Fitz, budding actor but also so much more.

Fitz was born in Newport from a family whom came from money. It was a comfortable beginnings which made him one of the lucky ones in life. It put an extra swag in his step and gave him a good education in a private school, there was clearly little that he went without. That didn't make Fitz a bad boy it simply meant that he'd never fallen upon hard times. He was always the popular boy at school, the one who talked to everyone who almost seemed to float through the halls with ease. The same could almost be said when he first became an actor; his parents would find the auditions and he would simply turn up, try out and if he got the part he wanted great. For an industry where so many struggled to fit in it seemed for Fitz it was right where he belonged. Small parts kept coming his way until he found his big break as Jesus in the Fosters. He wasn't a household name yet but it seemed that good things kept coming his way. Especially with many films lined up for Netflix releases around the world.

And then there was Isa. She was someone new in his life, someone whom he wanted to date and see where it went. Their night at Hamburger Mary's was pretty amazing, Bingo and Drag Queens was not a combination that most girls would get but she seemed to get it and get him. They were after all both Actors and so her becoming his girlfriend felt natural because Isa would understand their world better than most. There would be no rushing, this relationship was something Fitz wanted, that made him feel wonderful. Even if he did struggle with the thought of keeping everything PG for now.

Fitz is adorable and we all love seeing his relationship with Isa grow! Congratulations Sandra (Lara Jean Covey) on Fitz and Character Spotlight of the month!
And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

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02-09-2018 02:38 PM   
06:13 AM
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Elizabeth Paredes

Very late with October's Character of the Month but it was completely worth the wait for our beautiful model Elizabeth Paredes.

Elizabeth was born as the only child to her single mother Slyvia, a woman who worked hard to look after her young daughter as well as her ailing mother. Their apartment was tiny but it was never lacking in love and warmth. Her mother worked long hours and two jobs to pay for all the basic things they needed in life and as Elizabeth grew she would help her with whatever chores she could around the house. From a young age she showed an affinity for cooking, usually cooking the evening meal when her mother went back out to work. Despite all of this however her mother made sure to give her daughter everything, at the age of four she'd placed her into gymnastics class. Elizabeth had a gift and quickly was moved up to a more advanced class and she'd begun to enter competitions. It gave her motivation and determination to win because she loved the feeling she got from this. That however was not something that would be easy for Elizabeth, everything cost money which meant she had to find a way to make it work, her mother would continue to work all the hours God sent and she would take herself to competitions. The gymnastics world became her second family and Elizabeth was determined to go all the way.

Her true reality was however that upon hitting her teenage years her body began to change, no longer was she the tiny girl that was the perfect shape for her sport, she had grown taller than everyone else with curves to match. There were eating plans in place to help keep her body toned but it was not something her family could afford. Quickly this spiralled into Elizabeth purging whenever she ate something she shouldn't have done. When her mother discovered the truth it was decided that she should take a break from competing in order to focus on herself and getting better. Visiting a therapist once a month helped although it did not improve her own body image. Which was why being discovered by a modelling agent was such a surprise. Her mother was wary of it but Elizabeth decided to pursue it any way. The money was good and it would be a way for her to support her mother. It was hard though, much harder than the gymnastics and when she moved to LA the purging started up once more.

Things are now starting to go Elizabeth's way. Professionally she had never been more desired, Victoria's Secret had even invited her back to walk in the show this year and romantically she had William Carlson to keep her very warm in his giant cuddles. However her secret hangs in the air and it's only a matter of time before someone discovers it once more. Congratulations to Vicki (Cheryl Blossom) on Elizbaeth and October's Character Spotlight of the month!

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

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05-11-2018 06:13 AM   
06:48 AM
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Miles Laurie

For the first time we find ourselves deep in the heart of London town to meet Miles Laurie our November Character Spotlight of the Month!

Miles is one of our third gen characters, born to Keaton Laurie and Josie Ross, an unplanned surprise in their lives but a completely wonderful one all the same. His whole family were wrapped up in the business of Hollywood, something that could be daunting to most children but Miles was up to creating his own legacy for the future. He was born in New York, growing up in the big city was great and as his family was fairly global he got to travel often between LA and Australia as well. School was something he loved as well, Math and Science was his jam but his future lay in writing just like his mother. He was a good kid, never pushing at the boundaries too much and overall he had a happy childhood and a happy life.

Miles was the valedictorian of his class but he didn't find himself flying too far away from home to start, studying creative writing at NYU. He became friends with his roommate Peter, but better friends with his roommates girlfriend Olivia. He had a huge crush on her but it felt more important for the two of them to be friends. His career was what was important and after graduation he found himself writing scripts for a soap opera. That wasn't the dream though, at least not long term. It gave him the tools he needed though to develop a project of his very own, a comedy based loosely on his own life with a whole family of actors. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect it to be picked up by the BBC! This wasn't a small time gig. It required him however to pick up his entire life from New York and fly across the pond to London, something that meant leaving his family and Olivia behind but it was his future and he had to go. Luckily Olivia found herself in London not too long after him and he felt a little less home sick. After taking her to a ex's wedding and pretending to be her boyfriend their relationship started to change. He was their to help support her which ended up in one kiss than another and then another and quickly it became apparent they were more than just friends.

Miles is pretty sweet and adorable and his relationship with Olivia is one to watch. Congratulations Amy (Soul Traveller) on Miles and Character Spotlight of the month!

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

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05-11-2018 06:48 AM   
04:42 PM
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Jamie Wood

Just in time for Christmas we have found December's Character Spotlight of the Month in the form of Jamie Wood!

Starting life in the state of Alabama Jamie was born as the youngest of four children. His parents had been childhood sweethearts, starting their family young, and while they had some family able to help them nearby they still dreamed of a better future. The glitz and glam of Hollywood seemed to have a better draw for them and so they picked up their lives and moved to be closer to friends that would be able to help them. As he grew up Jamie could barely remember anything from life in Alabama, Los Angeles was his home and what he remembered. It didn't stop his parents been deeply conservative though, keeping that attitude despite the move to such a liberal state. For the most part it was okay though; he was a shy child who loved to read just about everything. His siblings teased him about it though, only ever in the way that siblings could though. School was harder, there he was actually bullied but his older siblings always looked out for him and protected him.

School was the place that he discovered a lot about himself. He was a man of science; astronomy was something that he loved deeply. It made him different from his siblings but that was okay, it made him unique. At ten his parents gifted him with his first telescope and that became his most prized possession. In high school he found himself making friends less easily than others but once he was a part of the science and astronomy clubs he became one of the best students in the school. There was more bullying that came with that but he had good friends to turn to. The thing however that made him the most different from his family however was that of his sexuality. Jamie was gay but he was scared of revealing that part of himself. It didn't stop the giant crush he had on the very outgoing Miguel Ángel. At first he thought he was invisible to him but after a chance email that became a conversation back and forth Jamie's hopes are high. Especially now that they've hung out at Miguel's house and perhaps the two of them are stumbling over arranging another hang out.

Jamie is adorable and so is his budding relationshop. Congratulations Matt (Sansa Stark) on Jamie and Character Spotlight of the month!

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

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09-12-2018 04:42 PM   
11:52 AM
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Jackson Sisk

Escaping the west coast winter, we dart across the American continent to the crisp and cool New York City, starting the new year with Jackson Sisk. Jackson is the son of two Hollywood hotties, so it's no wonder he has a fine face of his own. Elise Montgomery and Jedediah Sisk met on the set of a movie about dinosaurs, so it became a childhood passion of Jackson's. He could name dinosaurs and draw them, and he was totally determined that paleontology was going to be his career path.

In high school, he won a comic art competition with his dinosaur work, winning him a trip to San Francisco, and a plausible career back up plan as a comic artist. He kept drawing in college while he studied geology and biology, still plotting his big dream as a paleontology. Those were the science subjects he would need, so that was what he did. He studied hard and even spent time in a fraternity before he realised how disgusting the Greek system could truly be, before graduating and looking ahead to study in New York City at Cornell University.

But too much study makes Jackson a dull stegosaurus, so instead, he packed his things and took himself off from California on a road trip. It was a life of motels, cheap food and new friends, but Jackson pulled through the struggles to keep on his way. At one stop, he almost ran over Daisy Ford, who joined him on the road. Stops from there included Florida, Georgia, Tennessee and Missouri, as the tour continued, but mounting gas bills wasn't the only thing that developed. It's almost inevitable in close quarters for the sexual tension to mount and no one is surprised that Jackson's been falling hard for his travelling partner. All he wanted to do by the time they reached Kansas City was to take Daisy on a proper date, which seems to have been a rousing success.

But can this last? Once this trip is over, once the car is out of the picture, can this relationship grow and last? We're excited to find out where Jackson's journey goes with Daisy! Congrats Anna (Steve Rogers) on Jackson and Character Spotlight of the Month!

11-01-2019 11:52 AM   
10:02 PM
handsome royal heretic
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Chris Becker-Reid

I have a bone to pick with whoever thought me writing this and having it done succinctly was possible and a good idea, but here goes! It's time to throw a spotlight on a man who would rather not be in the spotlight any more, Chris Becker-Reid. A New Yorker born and bred, Chris has traveled a lot, but always seems to find his way back to the city, regardless of how much he would rather not be there. They say doctors' families die young, so of course the son of a policeman was a trouble maker and a rebel, delving into all the darker sides of life. Running with some questionable people, he fell into a life of drugs and was kicked out of home by seventeen.

A lucky break saw him taken into a musical program that took him to Paris. Music was an interest and he took the opportunity. It was there that he met Esme, the woman who would be his first wife. Now there were two of them with spiraling drug addicts, a baby on the way, and a relationship doomed to fail. Some time after the baby was born, Chris ran, finding himself back in New York. It was there that he met Ivan Reid, a new music producer with a need to harness Chris' talents if only Chris would let him. At the time it was not to be. The next years that followed saw Chris living in different places across America, watching as his drug habits continued, and loved ones continued to fall around him. Both children with Esme gone, as well as Esme herself eventually. Elsie, his young fiance, supposedly dead, leaving him with a tiny infant.

For a hot minute, his musical career flourished, a hit album written in the middle of pain. Ivan blinked in and out of his life as well, that relationship building into something that both men struggled to name. The love that developed was tumultuous, passionate and somewhat addictive, and mutual need saw them married. But that relationship was not remotely easy, made harder when Chris' young son, Jackson, went missing. The marriage fractured as no word came, to the point where Chris called for a marriage separation and left town to avoid the memories and the grief that were eating him alive. Years sober, his drug habit resurfaced, just in time for the news to come through that Jackson was found dead.

Another person dead in a list too long for one person to bear, on a heart already too strained by a hard life. Is it possible to forgive, to survive? One thing's for sure, it's going to be a hard, emotional ride. Congrats Kirsten (Machiavellian) on Chris and Character Spotlight of the Month!

01-02-2019 10:02 PM      

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