Winter in Bohemia Welcome Winter Telegrams Member of the Month!

09:36 PM
races like a lion
Norris's Avatar
Name: mel
Posts: 13,335
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Pronouns: she/they
High Lady
Vicky - Murdoch

This month we're getting to know Vicky. I could write you a ten-page essay about Vicky's characters and I know that I still don't know them all. Vicky had been roleplaying for years before we encountered one another. Our characters met in a group thread and have since spawned many incarnations. It only took a decade but they're mostly happy. Anyway, why listen to me prattle on about Vicky when she can tell you about herself? Let's see what she has to say.

name? Vicky

where are you located? London

do you have any non-rp hobbies? I love baking, I find it rather relaxing especially when kneading bread. I’ve managed to do a lot more over the last year thanks to lockdown. I also go to the Theatre a lot, a good play is just really enjoyable. That’s less a hobby but honestly we go so much it should be!

tea, coffee or something else? I’m not really a hot drink person. Anything with a lot of ice suits me.

what superpower would you have? that’s a tough one really because there are different powers I need at different times. My main one would probably be Astral projection so I can be in two places at once.

describe your dream day? Pre-lockdown: get up, have pancakes for breakfast, have a cuddle with Mel and Penny. Probably go into London, watch a play, go have some Dishoom afterwards and maybe I’d we have time squeeze in a movie.
Post-lockdown: any day where I can see my family.

your favourite song at the moment?
New song: evermore by Taylor Swift. One I listen to always: Take My Hand by Dido. All time: Goodnight Elisabeth by Counting Crows.

recommend one thing you think everyone should see/hear/do/experience: see James McAvoy in a play. He’s amazing.

how long have you been roleplaying?
Since March 2004

how did you get into roleplaying?
I used to write Roswell fanfiction on Roswell Fanatics and someone on there suggested I check out ctp as they knew I loved Charmed. The rest as we say is history.

who was your first character?
Coventina. God she was a train wreck.

what do you struggle the most with when it comes to roleplaying?
Intention. So often I have an intention for how a character should be and how they should respond, even if it has been preplotted out but sometimes in the flow of the moment in writing they just do the unexpected. I know that can make it difficult for the person I am writing with which can make it more difficult. Drama just seems to try and write itself.

what are your favourite scenes/storylines to roleplay?
My favourite scenes are moments of pure joy. Just in real life they can be so rare but when they come they give me good emotions.

what kind of characters do you like playing?
I have a fair few Himbos apparently. Honesty though I just like playing characters that are real, that for the most part don’t try to hide the best parts of themselves. I also love ones that dig deep into themselves and show vulnerability.

real life or magical/fantasy?
Oh both. I think they both have amazing strengths and weakness in that any character can thrive in.

would you introduce us to your favourite character you’ve created?
Joseph Sebastian Murdoch aka Bastian. He was created as the brother of an already established character and he was sort of on the back burner for a little while as I tried to figure him out. I started RPing him a little bit with Calandra Harrow as a story was being built for his sister and I had no idea that a love story now 12 years in the making would exist. He was at first a member of the scourge, a death knight set to protect his Queen whom he then fell in love with. For a while I retired him as for about two or three years I didn’t RP at all. He was then revived into another game, modern day supernatural were he was a werewolf and that is probably one of my best incarnations of him.

He’s been through the loss of love, loss of a child, happiness, marriage, a family being built. Reconnecting with his siblings, making new lasting friendships and so many version of him as I have played with the theory of in everyone world I will find you and love you with himself and Calandra. Through Bastian I found myself a wife and this board would not exist at all without him being created. Characters always affect your life and give you a new view point but Bastian Murdoch changed mine forever.

28-02-2021 09:36 PM   
02:42 PM
races like a lion
Norris's Avatar
Name: mel
Posts: 13,335
Status: Online
Pronouns: she/they
High Lady
Justin - Premonition

This month we're getting to know Justin. I have to admit, I don’t know much about Justin. He’s been on a few of the same boards as me over the years but we’ve never really quite crossed paths. Even so, I have seen him interact with others and I’ve always wanted to get to know him more. Today is my lucky day, and yours too!

name? Justin
where are you located? St. Louis, MO
do you have any non-rp hobbies? Trivia, catching up on shows, visiting wineries, reading, walking my dog, going to concerts, collecting crystals/gems/minerals, etc.
tea, coffee or something else? Wine.
what superpower would you have? It's hard to pass up flight. It feels so peaceful and practical.
describe your dream day? Sleeping in, catching up on shows, posting, seeing friends over dinner and/or drinks, and cuddling with my dog.
your favourite song at the moment? Oh gosh. That's hard. I love music. I'm still really feeling The Greatest Showman, so "Never Enough".
recommend one thing you think everyone should see/hear/do/experience: Iceland. It's literally the most beautiful place and experience in the world.

how long have you been roleplaying? Since 2002 or 2003, I believe.

how did you get into roleplaying? Like many of us, I was searching Charmed websites, and I came across Charmed Boards/Charmed: the Prophecy.

who was your first character? I think a lot of people named their first characters after themselves, so Justin. That was less focused on creating a story for my character and more on playing out scenarios at that time. I believe my first that came with a significant bio who was his own character was Jaron.

what do you struggle the most with when it comes to roleplaying? Finding the right partners to RP with and maintaining a level of consistency and passion between those involved.

what are your favourite scenes/storylines to roleplay? I love friendships and romantic relationships. The occasional rivalry is nice too.

what kind of characters do you like playing? I enjoy a wide range, but the ones that speak to me the most are male characters in their 20s and 30s (for the most part) who are gay.

real life or magical/fantasy? Only magical/fantasy for me.

would you introduce us to your favourite character you’ve created? There have been so many near and dear to my heart, but Christian Clark is my favorite. His growth has been substantial, and his relationship with Adam was just meant to be. It really helped Christian come to life and stop dwelling in a state of mind that had Evanescence as a soundtrack to his life.

04-06-2021 02:42 PM   
04:31 PM
races like a lion
Norris's Avatar
Name: mel
Posts: 13,335
Status: Online
Pronouns: she/they
High Lady
Mel - Yelena Belova

This month we're getting to know Mel. If you're reading this it's because we have people visiting but not posting. Sorry! I'm not going to fill this part in, let's get to the survey.

name? mel
where are you located? london
do you have any non-rp hobbies? drinking tea or iced coffee and crying
tea, coffee or something else? from the above you'd assume coffee but the answer is generally tea.
what superpower would you have? something ridiculous like plant control or persuasion
describe your dream day? wake up around 8 am, have eggs for breakfast, read for an hour, get dressed, go for a walk in a wooded area and forage for berries, mushrooms and herbs. PUB LUNCH! (but a quaint pub, not a Green Giant or a Spoons) then, nap time! If it's my dream day it's raining by now and I'm listening to some music while I make pasta for dinner from scratch, followed by movie marathon night with Oatly ice cream in a blanket fort.
your favourite song at the moment? it literally changes every day but: Only Love by Hanson
recommend one thing you think everyone should see/hear/do/experience: go for a hike without any maps and just your phone for directions. All the best adventures I've ever had involve walking for 2 miles in the wrong direction while questioning everything and anything before having a philosophical breakthrough. Plus, it makes for the most hilarious stories. (like that one mile that turned into three, up a massive hill with no footpath, where i lost my bank card, cried for ten minutes and ate berries on the side of the road before i checked that they were actually edible.)

how long have you been roleplaying? Since 2003 and that episode of Charmed that changed my life forever.

how did you get into roleplaying? lol, on
Spoiler: (Highlight to read)
drew fuller forum

who was your first character? hello mary sue! before i really understood the mechanics of what rping was i played a nymph called 'melanie' (legit didn't get she could be named anything). then i played wyatt in a charmed rpg. i think my first proper character was braithe harmon on ms.

what do you struggle the most with when it comes to roleplaying? second-guessing myself and distractions. also, time constraints. i find it easier to post at night which means i usually have an hour before bed and it takes me on average, thirty minutes to push through mental fatigue to find words. honestly, i can forget the word i want before i can type it.

what are your favourite scenes/storylines to roleplay? ridiculous scenes where my characters can just be dumb or sassy. but i also love hurt/comfort and sappy scenes.

what kind of characters do you like playing? flawed, complex characters who make stupid decisions. or people who are just coming into themselves and realising their potential and who they are/can be.

real life or magical/fantasy? either! i love both. i will be the first to admit that i inherently drift to magical things, j'adore a little witchy fun.

would you introduce us to your favourite character you’ve created? buckle up, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!

queen of the scourge. brought back to life by the necromancer dorazi, she languished in the wasteland of between for three millennia before he bought back to Gaia, only to keep her in a cell for decades until she could control her powers. fast-forward to king athren disappearing and calandra used her powers and dorzai's influence to cinch the throne. her first order of business? to free all the banshee's from the between and create her own brand of mercenary.

with a modicum of freedom from dorazi's control, calandra chose to be a different kind of leader. she fell in love with one of her soldiers who was rudely bought back to life and thus, became a renegade. they married in secret and lost a baby, had a whole ~drama with his sister and brother and was pregnant with twins.

and then we took a break and i was tempted onto another board with the chance to revamp her.

so she became the daughter of boudica who met a boy in the 00's while studying at st andrews. a decade later he turns up on her doorstep looking for his sister and they argue, fall in love, get married in the kitchen and adopt a pupper from battersea cat and dog home. because i believe in symmetry they lost another baby because turning into a banshee means being unable to sustain life.

and then we took another break...

and now, she's a history professor at columbia having moved to new york with her young daughter. bastian shows up on her doorstep looking for his sister (I KNOW!) who was their live-in nanny and finds out he has a twelve-year-old and there's a whole ~~thing. anyway, they get engaged and agree not to have more kids but lol, now she's pregnant with twins and libby's throwing a proper strop.

A lot of her story in all those and more incarnations are in my head. She’s been the High Lady of Winter, the runaway daughter of a wealthy landowner who joined the circus in the 20s, A powerful witch & the matriarch of a great coven, she exists in every universe, in every incarnation. She’s fiercely funny, sarcastic and glib, she’s maternal and into history and tea. I could write about her and to her for hours and never tire.

if you actually read all that, you're a real dude. i know, legit been playing aspects of the same story for over a decade, but they're finally happyish!

enjoy life, number 1 by a mile. [...] um, be kind, [...] learn when you've done a good job
and be happy with that. be kind to yourself and other people - but be kind to yourself, those two things are important.
09-07-2021 04:31 PM   

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