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08:29 PM
extramarital soy sauce
Jesse Boone's Avatar
Name: Lindsey Stan
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It works.

'' I don't agree with extramarital soy sauce, ''
26-07-2017 08:29 PM   
09:29 PM
baby, come be my starlight
Cheryl Blossom's Avatar
Name: Vicki
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Off the top of my head from using the new scheme, here's some thoughts

- Minimalist icons, especially on the homepage - very pretty!
- Navigation bar fixed to the top when you scroll
- Round avatar preview on the navigation bar
- Breadcrumb template
- Quick reply

- Too wide. I prefer the smaller fixed width of the board.
- Fonts seem bigger/zoomed in, especially on the main forum index and postbits. Also in the reply boxes. Probably just everywhere
- No longer seeing the thread title in the last post section on the forum index
- The avatars moving next to the thread title, it's a bit distracting when I'm trying to browse the threads and find which have new posts.
- The faded out fonts on the forumdisplay underneath the thread titles. It's a strain to see.
i can't stop thinking about you

five stars every time that you come through
12-08-2017 09:29 PM   
10:46 PM
you make me a complete mess
Sweet Dream's Avatar
Name: Sandra
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Okay, I don't want to be that person but I just wanted to say that Vicki pointed out everything on my mind

I'm a huge fan of the changes but the main thing I don't like is how wide things are, though. Like the squares around the avatars in the Random Facts, etc.

12-08-2017 10:46 PM   
11:18 PM
Neverland's Avatar
Posts: n/a
I'm only looking on my phone right now (I'm on an iPhone so using Safari mobile), anything in a header box stretches way beyond the width of the post itself. Also, I can't find the option to find posts from the last 24 hours on the new layout, but maybe I'm looking in the wrong place.

However, I don't mind the bigger fonts at all for browsing the board on my phone. I'm CONSTANTLY manually zooming in and scrolling just to see what I'm typing on the regular schemes, never mind what I'm reading. So the larger fonts are AWESOME.


OH SIGS. The gifs are on top of each other instead of next to each other. I can't decide if that bothers me or not but I wanted to mention it.
12-08-2017 11:18 PM   
11:32 PM
you are my house. my home.
Norris's Avatar
Name: mel
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High Lady
Thanks guys! We're compiling all of your feedback so we can work on it when our tech genius (Imzadi/Chrissie) gets back. (And please continue with feedback - every little positive or negative thing helps us get everything ready for you!)

Give me a reason to love you
12-08-2017 11:32 PM   
12:02 AM
extramarital soy sauce
Jesse Boone's Avatar
Name: Lindsey Stan
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Ooh different.

I definitely agree about the width, I'm currently on my laptop so I'm not sure what it looks like on my phone, but yeah to me it's too wide, and like Vicki said about the avators moving next to the thread title, it is a little distracting. I think I'd probably miss the icons going down the side of the board, but I'd probably get used to the way this looks. Also agree about the fonts being bigger. Still deciding on the av preview on the main index.

I like the fixed navigation bar. And I also like the quick reply box.

I'm used to the other layout, but that's not a bad thing and I'd get used to this one.

Also, I'm not keen on the gap around the avators.

*I hope this doesn't come accross as overly negative, I'm not trying to be.

'' I don't agree with extramarital soy sauce, ''
13-08-2017 12:02 AM   
02:52 AM
embers in the dark
Natalie Scatorccio's Avatar
Name: Heidi
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I don't like having to zoom out but I can't really notice much else jumping out at me.

Well besides the gifs on top of each other.

It'll take getting used to especially on my phone, idk how it looks on my computer
what i need is a good defense

cause i'm feeling like a criminal and i need to be redeemed
13-08-2017 02:52 AM   
03:00 AM
Guildford's Avatar
Name: Vicky
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The scheme does look very different on a phone to the laptop as it has phone friendly features. Stacked sigs are only on the phone

13-08-2017 03:00 AM   
05:10 AM
embers in the dark
Natalie Scatorccio's Avatar
Name: Heidi
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Trying it on my laptop, I definetly love the new layout! Still would take some getting used to. But like Vicki, I do have a con with how wide it is.
what i need is a good defense

cause i'm feeling like a criminal and i need to be redeemed
13-08-2017 05:10 AM   
05:58 AM
Neverland's Avatar
Posts: n/a
I'm on Safari on my laptop and nothing appears out of proportion for me here. I found the "Today's Posts" super easily on my laptop too, so I guess that's just a phone layout issue? Anyway, I didn't notice until now that we can't see the thread title for the most recent post in each forum, but now I have and I agree with Vicki, I'm not a fan of that. Also I'd rather just have the name of the thread owner be visible, rather than see that person's avatar appear next to the thread title too.

Right now, I'm feeling like I would love to use a scheme with this general layout on my phone - but I would rather keep the old layout for on my computer.
13-08-2017 05:58 AM   

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