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10:09 PM
you are my house. my home.
Norris's Avatar
Name: mel
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High Lady
RPG Bios

To follow on from the previous announcements re: The Hack - I would strongly recommend keeping all non-essential bits and pieces safe as well. I.E.: usertitles, signatures, etc.

Give me a reason to love you
03-09-2017 10:09 PM   
09:15 AM
Guildford's Avatar
Name: Vicky
Posts: 15,460
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High Lady
Welcome Back

And we're back! We've missed you all (and seen you all lurking for a peek of whats to come) and we're glad you all now get to enjoy our refreshed look but more importantly get to see the RPG hack!

All the games now are within our RPG Database. This is a new (yet old style to some of us) way of playing games. It means no more multiple accounts, you only need one account and if you accidentally select the wrong character you can edit it so easily yourself. This hack is so user friendly but don't worry it might take a bit of getting used to. Anna has made us a really handy User Guide and these can also be found in all the game welcome threads as well.

Thanks to the hack A Palace of Dreams has also had a facelift. All of the games are available to play here for your crossover dreams. If however you have a character that you wish to play that isn't currently in any of the games and wouldn't fit you can submit a bio to the Cross Over game!

We're pleased to announce that Chrissie is coming onboard full time as our tech in residence. The RPG hack is very much her brain child and we can't thank her enough for all the work she's put in for this. We think the hack is amazing and we hope you all do too.

If there are any problems or any bugs you might find don't hesitate to let us know! More importantly however we hope that you're RP experience is enhanced and you love this as much as we do.

09-09-2017 09:15 AM   
08:28 PM
Guildford's Avatar
Name: Vicky
Posts: 15,460
Status: Offline
Pronouns: She/Her
High Lady
London Calling!
Welcome to London! The capital city of England and the United Kingdom is now open for business! Divided into its five components there are plenty of places to visit and more greenery than you could ever imagine for such a large place. So come one, come all because The Big Smoke is calling.

14-09-2017 08:28 PM   
12:24 PM
whisper something fragile
Midnight Hands's Avatar
Name: anna evans
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Royal Court
New Feature: The Auto-Merge

We’re not sure if you’ve noticed, but along with our other updates, we’ve introduced a feature that is the “auto-merge”. Where in, if you post within 30 minutes of your first post, the two posts get merged right away. Some forums have this feature deactivated, some forums don’t. And to avoid that from happening with your posts, we’d suggest that you try a few different methods.

- You can start the thread early on and then post after so that you don’t have the auto-merge problem.
- Your posting partner can start the first thread and you can post after, which also takes away the auto-merge problem.
- Speak with a staff member who is online and might be able to backdate the post for you, so that it doesn’t interfere with the auto-merge function

If you have any questions regarding this, ask away and we’ll do our best to help you out.
20-09-2017 12:24 PM   
08:37 PM
Guildford's Avatar
Name: Vicky
Posts: 15,460
Status: Offline
Pronouns: She/Her
High Lady
New Scheme!
A new scheme is now available! If you love Disney Princesses as much as we do then this is the scheme for you!

25-09-2017 08:37 PM   
04:45 PM
you are my house. my home.
Norris's Avatar
Name: mel
Posts: 13,375
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Pronouns: she/they
High Lady
New Scheme!
In anticipation of Spike's new season of The Shannara Chronicles a new scheme is now available! If you love the adventures of Wil, Allanon and Eretria as much as we do then this is the scheme for you!

Give me a reason to love you
02-10-2017 04:45 PM   
12:00 AM
Guildford's Avatar
Name: Vicky
Posts: 15,460
Status: Offline
Pronouns: She/Her
High Lady
American Dreams
Three cities, one dream! American Dreams is the pursuit of fame of fortune and what happens when you make it. NOW OPEN!

10-10-2017 12:00 AM   
10:09 PM
Guildford's Avatar
Name: Vicky
Posts: 15,460
Status: Offline
Pronouns: She/Her
High Lady
Bio pictures
We're aware that for some bios you can't upload photos. If this happens just pop a message in the tech thread and we shall fix it, some of the bios have reset themselves to 0 and it's easily fixed if we know

10-10-2017 10:09 PM   
10:20 PM
Guildford's Avatar
Name: Vicky
Posts: 15,460
Status: Offline
Pronouns: She/Her
High Lady
Mature posts
We just wanted to bring to your attention that may not have been noticed on the new scheme. When posting a mature scene now please select the mature button as shown below so that your post will flag up as mature! Thank you

15-10-2017 10:20 PM   
02:34 PM
Guildford's Avatar
Name: Vicky
Posts: 15,460
Status: Offline
Pronouns: She/Her
High Lady
Phone Smilies
A really huge thank you to Vicki for our amazing new phone emojis! They look fantastic and she's put a lot of work into them for us

You can find a list of the new smilies here

21-10-2017 02:34 PM   

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