Winter in Bohemia Welcome Winter Telegrams Character Spotlight of the Month

04:03 PM
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Beatriz Howard

While the weather reminds cold outside for most we find ourselves heading back to the island to warm up this January with Beatriz Howard to keep us company.

Born to a very happy family in Los Angeles Beatriz spent her early years looking up at her family, rather literally. While all her siblings were tall and could double as catwalk models, she found herself being a tiny little thing in comparison. However just because she was shorter than her family she more than made up for it in personality. Her parents were famous in their own right and she knew exactly how to stand tall because of it. Her up bringing was relatively normal though, she wasn't shipped off to a private school so Bea, as her father affectionally named her, grew up like most other kids and that kept her down to Earth and a wonderful person to be around. Something that she loved deeply was dance, after her father had taken her for the first time she was hooked completely, her future would be linked to this some how. When it was time for school the California Institute of the Arts was were she ended up, her passion meant she was good enough to get in.

There was still room for romance in her life though. She met Daniel, an artist who seemed to be just as passionate as she was. Beatriz couldn't say that her relationship with him was some epic romance like that of her parents but she was comfortable in it and they seemed to move along at a decent pace. It gave her the breathing space she needed to try and make it as a dancer, constantly going for auditions before she made a spot in P!nk's troupe. Going on tour meant that it was always a relief when she came home even if she had to ignore some pretty obvious signs that not everything was quite right with Daniel.

It was after the world tour that her friends decided to take her on an amazing holiday which is how she ended up on Antillia in the first place. What she hadn't expected to find there was Milo Ritter, tall and handsome, setting off some pretty amazing sparks inside of her. Beatriz had to push those feelings to one side because she was not a cheater no matter what she was feeling. Going home was the right thing to do, or she had thought so until she had walked in on Daniel cheating on her out in the open in their own apartment. It just made her decision easy, walking out on the scum bag and getting on a flight straight back to Antillia. She didn't know if a relationship was on the table with Milo but the way she felt around him was more than she ever felt around Daniel so she would jump in with both feet.

Love is in the air for Beatriz so let's hope it's a happy ending. Congratulations Anna (Steve Rogers) on Beatriz and Character Spotlight of the month!
And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Right in front of me
02-03-2020 04:03 PM      
06:04 PM
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James Glenmire-Flynn

Those Glenmire-Flynn's are spreading out across the world! New York, Dublin and this February we have landed in Prague with Jamie Glenmire-Flynn.

Jamie was born less than five minutes after his twin brother Oscar came into the world but that was almost a blessing for him. His brother got some stuffy unimportant title that other people would make a big deal about but Jamie got to be himself, confident and amazing as always. He loved his twin brother more than anything in the whole world, the G-Flynn boys were as close as twins could be but he also adored his younger brother and sister considering they were another set of twins that came only a year after their arrival into the world. There was never a moment that Jamie didn't know that he was loved, not only were his parents there for him always but so were his aunts and uncles. Aunt Clemmie's children were like cousin's to him even if they weren't related which was why even though he knew Lissie had a tiny crush on him he wouldn't even entertain the idea. Some how though his family got the idea he was a bit of a ladies man as he grew up but he was just a confident approachable guy. When he met the one he would know, wouldn't he? A fairytale like his parents was just what he wanted.

Thing was Jamie wasn't entirely sure what he wanted to do with his future. Oscar had his drawings, his twin wanted to create comic books which was great but that wasn't exactly for him. His Uncle Gordy suggested architecture. He couldn't say that he was passionate about it, not like his brother or even Lissie about her ballet but it seemed to fit. Besides with a career like that he could work anywhere in the world. Something that worked out well for him because the moment Lissie had talked about moving abroad to join a ballet company he knew his twin was going to follow her. Oscar was the most important person to him so wherever his brother went he would follow too. Czech Technical University wouldn't have been his first choice but considering his own father had ended up miles from home and his Grandpa before him perhaps it was just meant to be? Besides why not learn how to be an architect in a city that was off the hook with it's buildings.

Prague had been pretty decent had he set up a business with his brother there that took off well enough fast enough. Things seemed stable enough which was why it was completely world changing when he met Stasia Bryant. The ballet dancer with legs for days stole his heart in less than five minutes of meeting her, love at first sight happened again for a third generation in a row! Naturally it didn't go smoothly at first, not when it came out that Lissie was in love with him but he had never had feelings for his best friend like that. He had to pine and miss his ballerina for weeks until things could be resolved but when she let him back into her heart he was determined to never let her go. On their first official date everything clicked into place for him and Jamie found himself proposing to her because he knew that he would love her for the rest of his life.

Jamie's world is looking bright because his wedding day is almost here and things couldn't be better. Congratulations Mel (Wanda Vision) on Jamie and Character Spotlight of the month!
And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Right in front of me
02-03-2020 06:04 PM   
07:40 PM
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Kaitlyn Hitchcock

We stay in Prague for March seeing as that cold weather has probably halted flights out of the city. No worry though because Kaitlyn Hitchcock might just invite us in to stay warm.

Kait was born as one of three children to a very wealthy family. The upper east side even looked a little bit poor compared to her father and his company. As such, and rather unfortunately for her, her parents had planned out their children's futures wanting all that money to stay with people that they thought appropriate to marry into their family. Which was why before she was even a year old her parents had signed a contract with the Gregory-Clarke's to betroth her to their son Jonathan. Didn't matter that she was a child, they wanted to control her future in their vision. Kait didn't even meet Jonathan or his older brother Oliver until she was older, her parents had hoped it would be love at first sight between her and Jon but she had a massive crush on Ollie from the moment they met. They were still kids though and the three of them became good friends. As they got older though and moved on towards adulthood her crush on Ollie only grew stronger until she was convinced she was in love with him but Kait couldn't do anything about it. He wouldn't feel the same in return would he?

It was when she was around 16 that the truth of the contract came out to everyone involved. Her parents told her in no uncertain terms that when she turned 18 it would be announced to society that she and Jon were engaged, it seemed as if the two of them had no say in the matter! She liked Jon but she didn't have a crush on him, not like she did his big brother. Both she and Jon tried to see what they could do to get out of it but the contract was like a tangled web she couldn't get out of and it all felt hopeless. She wanted to be independent and this was going against all of that. Perhaps a part of her wanted to give in to it though because after she spent time with Jon she could feel herself developing some feelings for him but it just wasn't the same as she felt for her brother.

Things turned so much more awkward when it seemed that Ollie began to look back at her. No matter that she was falling in love with Jon as well, she knew that she already loved Ollie and the two of them committed the ultimate betrayal to his brother. Everything became even worse still when Kait found herself pregnant and she couldn't be sure which brother was the father! Going through with the wedding would be impossible and the truth eventually came out to Jon. His relationship with his brother was shattered and no matter how much she loved both of the brothers her relationship with them both ultimately ended up destroyed as well after she had a miscarriage. New York had turned to poison for her and she couldn't stay with her parents controlling ways any more so she found herself making a fresh start in Prague with a new look and a new name. Katie Webb would be a more confident positive woman. Or at least she hoped so, things didn't seem so positive not when both Ollie and Jon also landed in Prague.

Poor Katie, things don't seem to be going the way she wants it to, but never give up! Congratulations Lindsey (Bucky Barnes) on Katie and Character Spotlight of the month!
And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Right in front of me
02-03-2020 07:40 PM   
12:50 PM
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Luca Ashriel

In this time of isolation, let’s look back on a character that’s been around for over a decade, and now resides in Barcelona. For April, we’re spotlighting Luca Ashriel.

Luca was born to a witch, Carolina and a criminal, David. For the first five years, with his mother’s presence, Luca had a pretty standard life, unaware of his father’s crimes. But when his mother discovered his father’s crimes, and begged him to stop during a bank heist, David shot Carolina dead, and lied to his son. No one ever discovered who the killer was.

After that point, Luca was raised into a life of crime, taught to be a bully, and raised under the worst circumstances. When he was 17, he went to prison for three years for armed robbery, and came out exactly the same, going back to his father. But when a medium sought him out, with a message from his mother to change, and become a better man, he started to seek out information on his mother’s murder. When he and David finally had a confrontation about the truth, and he found out his father killed his mother, Luca killed him in a rage.

He covered up the death, but turned his life around in the process, turning to magic and the covens. That’s where he met Jessickah Slater.

Together, Luca and Jess overcame so much. They fought evil together, trained together, but they also confronted their pasts together. There were ups and downs, mainly due to the secrecy that Luca had about his past and the mistakes he made. They even got married, finally finding happiness in each other. Eventually, the secret that Luca killed his father got out, which seemed to spell the end for their relationship. But when one of Jess’s enemies from the past killed Luca, it seemed to be the end of Luca’s life too.

But somehow, life gave him a second chance, and he came back to life on New Years Eve, 2011, as a spirit walker. With a new lease on life, Luca and Jess reconnected, made amends of the past, and started fresh. With that fresh beginning, they were blessed with a baby boy named Eduardo, and shortly after, a girl named Esme.

Though magic is a big part of Luca’s life, cooking is also another passion. When magic was revealed to the world, though, he found a new calling. He wanted to help witches make sense of the world they were in, and with that, he and his family moved to Barcelona. While Jess started working for the ASRW, Luca started to help other supernaturals, offering them a safe haven. Now, with two kids, and a new life in Barcelona, Luca’s ready for whatever comes next.

Lets give a round of applause for Luca, everything he has overcome so far, and the shiny future he has in front of him! Congratulations Bonnie (Dive Bar Saints) on Luca and Character Spotlight of the month!
Sailor, come with me
I might not make you feel good
But I will make you feel something
Baby, take my hand
You're out there chasing big fish
While I'm out here chasing sunsets
02-04-2020 12:50 PM   
10:41 AM
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Lennox Callaghan

We might all be stuck at home, but we're travelling somewhere new for our May Spotlight. Sometimes we all need a fresh start and this month's spotlight, Lennox Callaghan, is hoping Fish Creek is the change she needs.

Lennox comes from a bit of a crazy family. The only child of Thomas and Elsie Callaghan, two half-siblings from her mother's previous relationships made for a very strange family dynamic. They all got on for the most part, but things were always uncomfortable between Lennox's father and his half-children. Lennox couldn't really work out why her brother, Jackson, in particular didn't like him, but Jackson's relationship with own father never really made that straightforward.

Lennox was always very involved with her community and clubs at school. She was eager to learn and to participate where she could. Through all of this, she met Richie, the boy she started seeing and eventually dating through and after high school. Pleasant to everyone's face, he seemed like a great guy. Lennox certainly thought so until he started becoming emotionally and physically abusive not long into their relationship. She never let anyone know about it, and as is usual for abusers, Richie wouldn't let her leave. Later, once she picked up a job at Sephora, found a convenient way of hiding the evidence from her family. She needed the job - Richie wouldn't let her leave for college like she wanted.

From the age of 13 to 21, Lennox was stuck in this relationship. She assumed Richie was faithful, but then evidence came out that showed that wasn't true. Finding out he'd been cheating on her for the last few years with a girl he'd never once abused, Lennox found the courage she needed to get out. Late one night, with her bags packed, she disappeared with her beloved dog, Fang, and made a run for it. Her brother, Jackson, had recently made a new home in Fish Creek, Wisconsin, so that seemed as good as any place to start.

With so many years of oppression behind her, this newfound freedom gives a broken girl a world of opportunities. Coming from a family with a history of domestic abuse, one only hopes her family will rally when they find out. We're excited to have Heidi (Set Me Free) in action with Lennox as being May's Character Spotlight of the month!

04-05-2020 10:41 AM      
07:12 AM
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Darren Chow

It's been a while since we found our way to the lights of New York City. We hope you're hungry because our resident chef, Darren Chow, has been cooking up something great for us to enjoy!

Darren has lived in a lot of places in his life. For the first five years of his life, he lived in Hong Kong before he and his family immigrated to America. That didn't at all mean they were settled. Over the span of a few years, they moved from Chicago to New Orleans to Los Angeles. A family that very much held food as the centre of their lives, they looked for the food scenes, eventually stopping to open their own Chinese restaurant in Los Angeles. During that time, Darren went to study in Napa at the Culinary Institute of America before a stint in New York and further study in Paris.

The intention on his return from Paris was to take over his parents' restaurant, to revamp and update it for a new clientele, but Darren hadn't anticipated how much they were struggling. While they fought and tried, at last they made the decision to close the restaurant, leaving Darren without work. His parents retired and returned to Hong Kong, but that only left Darren with a house, not a career. A lucky stroke from a former classmate changed things around for him, calling him back to New York to work as a personal chef. It was a good opportunity, still giving him time to teach some classes and curate his online presence.

New York may be a fresh start for Darren and hopefully it is what he needs. We look forward to see what storm he cooks up in the future! Congrats Nick (Ganymede) on Darren and Character Spotlight of the Month!

06-06-2020 07:12 AM   
09:44 PM
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Damian Meyer

It feels like quite some time since we've gone to Ireland so it's about time to visit one of our favourite characters to be found there; Damian Meyer. Great friend, even greater brother!

Damian grew up in Kent with his older sister Lizzie. While his mother was gentle and loving, his father was a much harsher man that had high expectations. Eton College was where he spent much of his youth, a place that very much set him up for what was to come in his life. Plenty of connections were made and he found that he was rather good at public speaking with an eye on politics. This was something that made his father very pleased and allowed Damian to indulge in these pursuits. What his father didn't like however was the fact that his son was gay. There was no hiding it, no matter how much his father disliked the fact and eventually Damian found himself sailing across the Atlantic to the land of the free so that he could be himself there. Portland was nothing like home and he took his time furthering his education and making new connections. It wasn't until Damian was 30 that he started pursuing his political aspirations. It was something he was going to be great at he just knew it. Until Peter Terwilliger walked into his life.

Their relationship could only be defined as complicated and he kept being pulled in and pushed away. It didn't help that Peter was in another relationship. Their relationship couldn't work so he threw himself into work. Unfortunately a scandal rocked his work life too, he was set up but the life he had worked so hard towards was completely in shambles. Romantic and political aspirations lay in tatters around his feet. Going back to the UK was Damian's only option. He was going already for his sisters wedding. His parents didn't give him a warm return, not that he'd expected one, but his sister had been there for him as she always had been. London was just too hard though, Peter was in town and it was too much for him to be so near yet so far. Lizzie had moved to Dublin and his sister needed him, even though she was newly wed she was soon made a widow. He could make a new life for himself in Dublin certainly?

Well if his friendship with Chelle and his budding relationship with Graeme is anything to go by, Dublin has certainly been the best change that Damian could have made. For the first time in a long time he had family and a support group that would always be there for him. Damian really is just a good guy who needs lots of hugs. Congrats Sarah (Domino) on Damian and Character Spotlight of the month!

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Right in front of me
08-07-2020 09:44 PM      
05:34 AM
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Sarah Locke

Hold onto your hats, everyone. We're on a rollout of character spotlights as we start trying to catch ourselves up. We're starting our run in Prague for August's spotlight, where we meet PI, Sarah Locke, and do a little investigating of our own.

Sarah's life has been one long rollercoaster ride about relationships. A solid belief in fairytales shaped her childhood, but a divorce fueled by adultery and pregnancy had her faith in true love shaken. She went through a series of her own poor relationships as she dealt with her parents' actions. Her innocent father was her choice to stand by in the divorce, but when he passed away and she was handed back to her cheating mother and new toddler sibling, Sarah struggled to cope with it.

That trauma, along with an interest in photography, led her into an unexpected field. In the interests of protecting innocent parties and not leaving them blind-sided, Sarah started on some detective and investigation work. With her camera at the ready and a driving passion, she found herself a job and began developing a full career. She flourished in it, but it was soured with her mother still proving to be a toxic problem. In the end, Sarah made the decision to move from her home in London to Prague, to start afresh and build something for herself. Since her arrival, some work has started flowing her way, a few potential friends and an attractive reporter - though it's too early to tell where that might go.

Sometimes all you really need is that fresh start for life to really get going. Time will only tell what Sarah will find in Prague, for herself and perhaps even for others. We look forward to seeing what kind of drama might unfold if she does! Congrats Jax (Tempe Brennan) on Sarah and Character Spotlight of the Month!

27-02-2021 05:34 AM   
06:08 PM
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Julian Grant

Autumn is slowly setting into the small Wisconsin town of Fish Creek where Julian Grant is finally falling in love and giving himself a chance for more this September!

A surprise baby, Julian was an unexpected addition to the Grant family, but not an unwelcome one. And if that wasn't enough, his sister had a baby of her own when Julian was barely 10 and he got to step into a big brother role pretty early on. It didn't stop Julian from having fun and enjoying the little things, including playing football and having a hectic social life. When a back injury took him out of football for good, Julian felt a little lost, but over time, he found the strength to move forward.

Till everything changed one day. A freak accident, they said, took the lives of his parents and his sister, leaving Julian and his niece alone in the world. Julian was only 20 and Melissa only 10 and they had only each other to lean on through the toughest time of their lives. Without Melissa's father in the picture, they had to raise each other, provide for each other and Julian needed to make sure that his niece was able to grow up and live a good life.

For five years, Julian's focus has been on Melissa. He's been raising her into a decent teenager, helping her with school and ensuring she has a good life, all while working as a caption writer for television. It's not exciting work, but Julian is able to pay the bills and take care of Melissa. And that's been all he's done since they both lost their family. Till Savannah Faber came to town.

With news of her changing the face and feel of his favourite bakery, Julian was up in arms and ready to rip into her, but their first meeting changed his mind. He ended up helping her paint and open up the bakery in a new style, all while falling in love with her. Julian's priority is always going to be Melissa, but even he knows that sometimes the heart wants what the heart wants. Flirting, kissing, touching and helping Savannah with her cookbook turned into them spending the holidays with her famous family in Atlanta.

Their relationship might still be new, but love is in the air. And Julian is finally ready to be a little selfish about his life and put a little more focus on Savannah, even if she doesn't need it. We're really looking forward to seeing how their relationship evolves and how Julian is going to balance it all! Congratulations Amy (Twilight Reverie) and Julian on being the Character Spotlight of the Month!
27-02-2021 06:08 PM   
06:10 PM
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Sander Hewitt

We're back in Prague for October, checking out what's new and hot online. You know who is hot? Sander Hewitt, an American photographer now residing in Europe. He's been off the internet for a while, but he's just been checking back in.

Lysander is an unfortunate name to be given, but Sander seemed to make the best of it. His little sister, Titania, made for a good set of Shakespearean children for their American father and German mother. He has a little bit of an accent, but you'd barely notice. Sander adored his little sister and was devastating when she was kidnapped. His parents barely made an attempt at the ransom, and as Sander was too young to do anything, a few years later, the girl's body turned up. Trying to do everything he could to find her turned Sander into something of a storm chaser. He was always on the hunt for dangerous situations after that, camera at the ready in order to get the right shots. He left the family in South Carolina and went to New York to make it big. He did that, and also fell in love. The work lasted, the woman didn't - after they were married, she gave up on him because he wasn't the man he'd been in the beginning.

The heartbreak hurt, but Sander was set up. A new job with a travel magazine that loved his whole aesthetic found him with brand new opportunities and the world at his fingertips. He was able to take on some amazing jobs, get decent money and meet some interesting people. One of those was Hallie McMahon, a woman Sander was paired with for a piece that took them from Singapore to Bangkok. Some video journals on YouTube kept documentation of what became a budding relationship neither of them would admit to, and in the end, they both parted ways, Sander a little the worse for it. After that, he ended up on a tour across Europe, camping, attending festivals and eating food he can't pronounce.

After a hiatus from his YouTube channel, Sander dropped a heartfelt video, addressing his feelings and calling for Hallie to meet him. Apparently it worked because now the pair have reconnected and are looking rather cozy. Check out that trip to Bora-Bora. One can only hope Sander is going to get the girl this time because he's due some love in his life! Congrats Anna (Midnight Hands) on Sander and Character Spotlight of the Month!

27-02-2021 06:10 PM   

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