Winter in Bohemia Welcome Winter Telegrams Character Spotlight of the Month

10:59 AM
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Christian Murdoch

November 2020 we find ourselves in New York City, another photographer at the helm but this is a very different story. Big family drama is brewing and
Christian Murdoch has returned to the fold just in time for it to happen. However to get the full backstory on this charming Brit we are going to leave it to his sister to set the scene.

Christian Murdoch; a story by his twin sister Gayle Murdoch (the cuter twin but we won't go there.) SO what can I say about my twin brother Christian? Well firstly that he's been an ass from day one, quite literally he came out ass first into the world completely ignoring the gentlemanly thing of ladies first. Nope he had to be born first, I am pretty sure he came out giving me the middle finger because he was victorious in our race to being born. That's okay though, he's an adorable little shit so I forgive my twin brother anything and the two of us since that day had been two peas in a pod. Along with our big brother Bastain we had a pretty idyllic childhood with parents who loved us, family holidays abroad, friends at school, a bright future. We were a happy family and the three of us as close as siblings could be. Christian and I were the very best of friends telling each other secrets in the night.

That all ended though when our parents died. We were only thirteen years old. It felt as if the colour in the world had gone out. From our little home in Oxford we we're moved with an aunt to live in Edinburgh and honestly we all hated it. There was no fun, there was no trips out, Christian said once it felt as if we were a burden now, no longer a joy. Our close happy little unit was no longer close or happy and by the time we were seventeen I don't think Christian and I could have been any further apart. Didn't help that Bastian moved away for Uni, still Scotland, but he didn't come home that often. That affected him a lot and I kinda found a boyfriend and made him feel more alone. He was the one that didn't go off the rails though, he felt very left to his own devices and in a charity shop he found an old camera, buying it and fixing it up at home. It took some time to figure it all out, Christian went off taking photos and turned his bedroom into a red room. The first few were kinda crap, he'd shown them to me and there were plenty of fingers over the lenses moments, but after a while they started to get good. Real good! Things weren't perfect but he was finding a passion. I kinda messed things up again for a while, but that is a story for another day.

After things went down Christian basically did a peace out and started wandering the world like the nomad he was destined to be, just him and his camera. Melbourne gave him a chance to really learn his art but then he went to pretty much half of the countries on the planet for his art, his pictures were in any decent magazine you picked up, each and every one of them completely stunning. He was an artist in his own right with the pictures that he took. I couldn't have been more proud of him. The dummy even went and won an award which meant he was FINALLY coming to New York!

Okay so New York didn't start off the best for my twin, he kinda got mugged on his first night there. Big brother had to go pick him and he had to meet his teenage niece for the first time looking a bit banged up. BUT he did meet a cute cop and now has a girlfriend out of it. He's also found out he's going to be an Uncle again, twice, so maybe for the first time in over fifteen years the three of us will be close again and in one place for more than a couple of days. Things are looking good for Christian and that's why he's Character of the month. Oh and congrats Mel (Yelena Belova) for playing my awesome twin!
And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Right in front of me
12-07-2021 10:59 AM   
02:04 PM
handsome royal heretic
Louis de Pointe du Lac's Avatar
Name: Sarah
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Will Fitzgibbon

We're still basking in the bright lights of New York City for December, the city where dreams are made... or broken, if you're this month's spotlight Will Fitzgibbon.

Will started off as a small boy in Cornwall, England, with parents with no real careers and a knack for investing in the right places. They were fairly well off, so Will had the classic upbringing of being spoiled, but with that neglect that comes from tossing your child into boarding school. He was hardly keen on his parents' social life, instead finding his own interests, including some dabbling in music with a friend from his youth named Ivan Reid. It was an rough kind of friendship, but one that grew on Will, grew to the extent that he developed an attraction for his friend, who ditched him instead of reciprocating when Will tried to go for it.

Upon the death of his parents, Will sold a lot of their assets and started building his own position. A serious relationship with a financier got the better of him, going south when the man turned into a gambler and started using Will's money. From that point, Will took a jaunt across Europe, trying a few different cities to find one that felt like home where he could start a career and a life. Nothing stuck, and eventually, he found his way out to New York. Cue running into Ivan again, finding his old crush running a record label, married and in a tumultuous relationship with one of his artists and generally making a mess. Will swooped in with his skills and funds to save the label, but no thanks and no love came his way. Losing hope and rather depressed, Will decided to make his own fun, but fun is hard when you're on your own.

Will has a way with old flames though because he's recently run into yet another one in the form of Italian woman, Luisa Gaspardi. Could this be the rejuvination Will needs for his life, something for himself at long last? We're excited to see where that goes. Congrats Kirsten (Abandon Ship) on Will and Character Spotlight of the Month!

12-07-2021 02:04 PM   
04:58 AM
handsome royal heretic
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René Charbonneau

The last time we hit up a supernatural game for a spotlight was way back in April, so this January, it's time we get a little magical. We're checking in with one of Seattle's big hitters, the High Chancellor of the Custodiae Perturbationis himself, René Charbonneau. Let's get a little bit evil up in here.

René cuts a rather enigmatic figure in the Seattle space. With his origins in the New Orleans voodoo scenes, having magic in his life was inescapable. His mother was a priestess in the faith, and provided what influence she could, and René picked up bits and pieces of it. But while she was of the more giving sort, he was much more out for what he could get.

His connection with the Custodiae Perturbationis began upon his move to Washington DC following his mother's death. Howard University was his choice for a political science degree, but it was the relationship he built with the Chancellor of the city's chapter of the Custodiae that really set René on his path. Some would see the influence towards selfishness and ambition to be in poor taste, but it was what he needed. Little was known from that point onwards, but media and reports can track the rise of a charismatic leader from his university beginnings to a city councillor, from a simple member of the Custodiae to the Chancellor of the Seattle chapter and then High Chancellor of the entire coven.

He's already the top dog, but it can't be denied that for all his secrets, the one thing about René that can be counted on is his ambition and drive. The suggestion is that maybe the High Chancellor is looking for something more. He's one to watch, and not necessarily for a good reason. Todd (Orpheus) is playing a dangerous game as January's Character Spotlight of the month!

20-07-2021 04:58 AM   
11:00 PM
races like a lion
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Peony Aster

Let's wing our way over to Europe and learn all about Peony Aster. From prom queen in LA to barista in Prague, there's a bit to unpack here. Strap in for a wild ride.

Old money and socialites were basically the Asters bread and butter by the time Peony came along. For years Hector and Lily had been rubbing elbows with Hollywood stars and those behind the scenes as well. Sadly this kind of parenting didn't really suit childrearing. Peony grew up to be entitled, bratty, snobbish, spoiled and a bit mean. Luckily this isn't some kind of villain origin story, because Peony now is not the Peony she was when she was head cheerleader or prom queen. No. Peony had to learn the hardest of ways how far someone can fall. Tax evasion is a crime that sounds every bit as boring as it is. But just before her final year of high school the feds took everything and froze all of the accounts. Overnight, Peony went from being able to shop at Bergdorfs to not even being able to afford her morning coffee.

She and her mom tried to move east, but when the rich fall, their so called friends are the quickest to turn their backs. Without money or friends, and the uncertainty over whether or not she'd be able to access her trust fund when she turned twenty-one, Peony did what any normal girl would do. She already had plans for after she finished with school. For as long as she could remember, Pea wanted to see Europe. So, while Peony finished high school and when she wasn't in class, she was waitressing in a dive diner. The pay wasn't great, but it did the job. Come graduation Pea had a nice little savings account and a completely different countenance. She was a far cry from the LA scene queen. Her graduation present to herself was a one way ticket to Prague. It wasn't London or Paris, but it was much more affordable.

After a few months in the city, Pea ran - like literally ran - into Jonathan. Pretty much from that day she caffeinated and fed the starving, tortured artist who followed her and ingratiated himself in her life. Their connection grew naturally and slowly and before they knew it they were both awkwardly trying to ask one another out on a date. But because nothing ever goes right, Jon turned up on the verge of combusting with rage, his hand grazed and swollen. While they didn't have their arranged little date, they opened up and told each other all about the skeletons in their closets. It's been a few months since then and Jon has just asked Pea to move in with him which means there's only more stories to come.

Hopefully there'll be less drama in Pea's life and a whole lot more laughs! Congratulations Vicky (Faerie Tale) on Peony and Character Spotlight of the month!

enjoy life, number 1 by a mile. [...] um, be kind, [...] learn when you've done a good job
and be happy with that. be kind to yourself and other people - but be kind to yourself, those two things are important.
20-07-2021 11:00 PM   
12:25 AM
I said, you look great, baby!
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Name: Todd
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Levin Lockwood

In sunny Barcelona, one particularly golden boy is making his mark. That's right, we're talking about Levin Lockwood, the elven prince that has healing hands and is so gorgeous you can barely look directly at him.

Born Prince Levindras Edric of the Locked Wood, First of His Name, Breaker of Chains, Mother of - wait that's a different thing - Levin is elven royalty. But he is also a rarity in the world of elves. He possesses the gift to heal others, something coveted heavily by the elven community. His family tried their best to tempt him to the side of ruling but his natural gifts paired with his empathetic nature, Levin grew more and more curious about the world of humans. And so he began his journey as Levin Edric Lockwood, a far less wordy and much more human name.

Levin already had a few journeys under his belt before his arrival in Barcelona. Along his journey he also learned a great deal about his gift to heal and the personal toll it could take on him. But this only led to Levin becoming more kind, and seeking ways he could still help in the human world. His parents weren't particularly thrilled about this but Levin wanted to train as a physician and they weren't likely to stop him once his mind was made up. He trained quickly, and while he advanced through his career rapidly, he gained the respect of those that would have doubted him.

Levin's journey also took him to numerous places in the world, London being one of his main locales. While traveling through the world he maintained elven guards, because of course a prince would have personal protection. Levin was a pacifist by nature, but when one of his guards was murdered by a vampire, he took it upon himself to learn self defense. He made sure to navigate his life with care, much to his parents' chagrin. Though he's probably still a bit too trusting. It wasn't too long ago that he went home with a kind stranger by the name of Aleksander. It's a good thing Aleksander wasn't a murderer, but actually just someone who thought Levin was beautiful and really wanted to get a cuddle in.

It's looking like Levin has some exciting days ahead of him! He's got a career and the eye of a handsome man, one who might be ready to protect him at any turn, so he's doing alright. Nice work, Justin (Premonition). We adore Levin. Congratulations on having the Character Spotlight of the month!
23-07-2021 12:25 AM   
02:42 AM
handsome royal heretic
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Name: Sarah
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Edward Emerson

We've got a number of twins running around the board, but it's been a while since we got to look in on any of them. This guy has been travelling all over the globe, but we managed to catch up with Eddie Emerson during his stop in Dublin.

Edward was the younger of the two twins, and always felt like he couldn't escape it. He and Gordon were the children of two medical professionals, so they spent much of their childhood wandering the halls of the hospital where their parents worked. Or at least, Eddie did. He always felt like a free spirit, and getting away from his parents and adult family members who were limiting his space. After getting lost in hospital corridors, he never got much better at finding a direction. Eddie hopped onto Gordy's train more often than not, often being a third to his adventures with Parker Glenmire-Flynn - also a twin, who knew it? He hopped between hobbies, clubs, sports, never really connecting on any level with anything properly.

The one consistent thing for Eddie was his thoughts and dreams about being in other places. After high school, his parents agreed to him and Gordy taking a gap year. Eddie had absolutely no intention of it only being a year. He'd always wanted to get out and see other places, so as soon as he was able, he took all his savings and some money from his parents, and took off to see the rest of the United States. Of course, once Gordy and Parker made moves to Dublin, it encouraged Eddie to get out as well, and he took the chance to travel, not just there, but through more of Europe. It started a few years of really cool volunteering and work opportunities that felt like like exactly the kind of growth he wanted.

Much of the family wonders whether Eddie will ever settle down somewhere. The signs weren't looking great when he had a dramatic relationship with an Irish girl, before then unknowingly getting involved with her best friend. Luck of the Irish? Or really unlucky? We'll have to find out. Congrats Bonnie (Dive Bar Saints) on Eddie and Character Spotlight of the month!

23-07-2021 02:42 AM   
03:54 AM
whisper something fragile
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Name: anna evans
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Noah Fence

Magic might be a secret in Seattle, but Noah Fence's constant appearance in the hospital is not. We're celebrating the best-named character on the board and the brilliant mind who created him.

Everything about Noah screams chaos, even if he's the nicest person you'll ever meet. As a beat cop, these qualities are always good, but as a child they were not appreciated as much. Considered fidgety and rambunctious, Noah joined the football team to make the most of his energy levels. There was only so much people around him could do, however, but that didn't stop Noah from living his best life and really making the most of everything he had access to.

Sure, there were other careers that Noah could have stumbled across, but one might say that being a cop might be what Noah was meant for. Always running head first into danger, doing his job to the best of his abilities and even stumbling into the hospital every now and then - Noah Fence is unforgettable. Noah might have improved slightly, but all that energy hasn't waned. Even if it stresses out the constant fixture at his bedside - Scarlett Zigman - Noah's not going to stop. Maybe that's what appeals to the redhead, because there's already so much about Noah to love, what's one more thing?

Here's to more poisonous ducks and hopefully not making more painful visits to the hospital. Congratulations Sarah (Domino) on Noah and Character Spotlight of the Month!
23-07-2021 03:54 AM   
04:54 AM
whisper something fragile
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Name: anna evans
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Simon Dupond

It's slowly drifting into summer in the Big Apple and we're celebrating the broody former soldier and newly minted photographer Simon Dupond.

Simon did not have an easy life. Losing his mother at a young age and having to raise himself and his sister while his father checked out was definitely not part of his grand life plan. But when he met his best friend, Austin Sharpe, his life changed. Not only was Simon given love, someone was happy to feed him food that wasn't leftovers or scraps. However, Simon's life was only going to get worse after the Sharpes found his father OD'd and Simon and his sister were sent to live with an aunt for the rest of their lives. Even with all the ugliness in his life, Simon found the little joys, especially in Cassidy Bishop who was working her way up to being the star of the drama club at school. Falling in love hadn't been the plan, but Simon found the sunshine in his life and held onto it, even if she was with someone else the whole time they were in school together.

His feelings for Cassidy and the new lease on life he'd been given weren't enough to turn his life around. With the idea of college tossed aside, Simon enlisted in the army. Not entirely his best decision, but one that changed the course of his life even more. Simon was serious about his role and the work he had to do in the army and he worked his ass off to make sure that he protected his brothers in arms. But when he came back home, things weren't the same. He worked with his uncle, moving to New York to drive celebrities and politicians to and from their meetings. But then he reconnected with Cassidy Bishop.

What started out as driving her to rehearsals and parties as her name grew on Broadway turned into something else entirely. Those feelings he'd tamped down ever since graduation were still simmering at the surface and when Cassidy let him deep enough into his life, he didn't hold back. Knowing that she loved him and wanted to be with him was enough for Simon, but when she encouraged him to give up the driving job and do something else, Simon discovered that he could do more with his talent for taking pictures of Cassidy for her Instagram profile. A year of working under a professional photographer in the city introduced Simon to Orion Daley and the two decided to start up their own photography business.

The broken boy from Boston is now a professional and respected photographer as well as a happily married man. Congratulations Amy (Twilight Reverie) on Simon and Character Spotlight of the Month!
23-07-2021 04:54 AM   

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