Winter in Bohemia Welcome The Front Lobby Hey, hi, hello!

07:46 PM
Into the Frost
Static & Contraband's Avatar
Name: Rochelle
Posts: 346
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Hey, hi, hello! [Post #1]
If you don't immediately know who I am from my set, chances are you've never "met" me before

HI! My name is Rochelle and I kind of like Roger Federer (and Rafael Nadal) I live in Sydney, Australia and I've been in and out of the RPG scene for... I wanna say about ten years now? I'm 25 and besides tennis, I love reading, Netflix, and I live for music.

Just last month I fulfilled a dream I've had since I was about 13 years old and toured the entire country with my favourite band (Green Day) and a few friends who were just as mad as I am! We did seven shows in five cities in about twelve days and to say I was wiped upon getting home would be an understatement haha. Theeeen less than two weeks after I got home, my grandma died and basically the last month has been the very definition of an emotional rollercoaster, but I'm getting there!

I guess I'm off to explore this place!
10-06-2017 07:46 PM   
07:49 PM
chasing sunsets
Sancta Terra's Avatar
Name: Amy
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Royal Court
Hey! Glad to have you here!

Sorry about your Grandma. *hugs*
Sailor, come with me
I might not make you feel good
But I will make you feel something
Baby, take my hand
You're out there chasing big fish
While I'm out here chasing sunsets
10-06-2017 07:49 PM   
07:50 PM
Lando's Avatar
Name: Vicky
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High Lady
Rochelle I'm glad you made your way over here! Nice to see you again

I am sorry about your grandmother though
And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Right in front of me
10-06-2017 07:50 PM   
07:57 PM
extramarital soy sauce
Jesse Boone's Avatar
Name: Lindsey Stan
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*hugs* again about your grandma.

And welcome to the boards.

'' I don't agree with extramarital soy sauce, ''
10-06-2017 07:57 PM   
08:00 PM
embers in the dark
Natalie Scatorccio's Avatar
Name: Heidi
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I am so very sorry about your Grandma, bb <3

I missed you so so much and I am so glad you joined us!
what i need is a good defense

cause i'm feeling like a criminal and i need to be redeemed
10-06-2017 08:00 PM   
09:11 PM
Into the Frost
Static & Contraband's Avatar
Name: Rochelle
Posts: 346
Status: Offline
Hey guys, thank you! I'm coping okay but I mainly mentioned the death because I'm not expecting too much of myself while I'm working through the grief. It's so nice to see the familiar faces here!! <3
10-06-2017 09:11 PM   
09:31 PM
extramarital soy sauce
Jesse Boone's Avatar
Name: Lindsey Stan
Posts: 6,123
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^ We totally understand. Just go at your own pace. Unfortunately I've been where you've been twice. But it's never easy whoever it is.

'' I don't agree with extramarital soy sauce, ''
10-06-2017 09:31 PM   
10:09 PM
let's be reckless, unaffected
Wild Love's Avatar
Name: Sandra
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My Duuuuuumb! My Preciousssssss! I'm ridiculously excited and words cannot express how much I've missed RPing with you. <3

10-06-2017 10:09 PM   
10:25 PM
Into the Frost
Coeus's Avatar
Name: Stu
Posts: 32
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Hi Rochelle!!! Nice to have you here, don't think we've ever RP'd together so will be good to see and get involved in your work!

Sorry to hear about your grandma
10-06-2017 10:25 PM   
01:01 AM
handsome royal heretic
Louis de Pointe du Lac's Avatar
Name: Sarah
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Royal Court
Rochelle! Aussie friend!

Honestly, ecstatic to see you back around. It's been way too long!
11-06-2017 01:01 AM   

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