Winter in Bohemia Welcome The Front Lobby Staff Introductions

07:28 AM
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Lady Penelope's Avatar
Name: Penelope Anne
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RPG Manager
Staff Introductions [Post #1]

Here is where you'll meet your High Ladies and their Royal Court. For any questions, concerns and the like you can get in touch with them.
29-05-2017 07:28 AM   
06:26 PM
races like a lion
Norris's Avatar
Name: mel
Posts: 13,335
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Pronouns: she/they
High Lady

greetings and salutations
Hi! I'm Mel and I hate introductions, I never know what to say. So this is my brain baby, welcome, I hope you like what you see and want to join us. We have a range of real life and alternate reality games - a bit of something for everyone! Personally I've been roleplaying on and off for 14 years now (omg). I'm not going to say where I started because it's well embarrassing, but I eventually made my way onto c:tp and then midnight shadows back in the day.

For enquiring minds, I'm one of the Admins who are based in London (holla GMT). And like Sarah I am also, technically, Australian. I live with Vicky (see below) and our little kitty Lady Penelope and hopefully we will be moving out of London soon! Katherine Langford is my precious princess and Eva Green, Emily Blunt and Lily James are my forever queens. I like things in bursts so my likes are forever changing. For the past few months I've hated Poldark, in that way that I just can't stop watching it. I'm currently borderline obsessed with iZombie despite hating zombie things and medical dramas have been my weakness since I was a small child (thanks mum!). But that it nothing compared to my love of cooking shows. Bake Off, Masterchef, Great British Menu, Come Dine With Me - Diners, Drive-in's and Dives - LOVE THEM ALL! Cannot get enough!

I am definitely a little old lady and I like my early nights and routines but I'm always around in some capacity. Feel free to PM for anything if you need to!
31-05-2017 06:26 PM   
06:26 PM
Lando's Avatar
Name: Vicky
Posts: 15,418
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Pronouns: She/Her
High Lady
Bippity Boppity Boo

Oh I really have no idea what I should say in these sort of things! I guess a name is usually a good place to start! I'm Vicky, 31, and married to the lovely lady that is above me in this thread. I've been writing on and off for years starting with Roswell fanfiction before finding myself in 2004 on c:tp followed by Midnight Shadows. After a few years away from it I started up again in 2015 and I've been loving RPing all over again.

Currently and always have been a Londoner through and through having lived all over this giant city. I'm a surgical nurse by trade which I can promise you is nothing like Grey's Anatomy depicts but it's always funny when people assume that it is. Hopefully we'll be moving out of London sooner rather than later although one of my favourite things about being here is all the theatre available. I think me and Mel have probably been to 15 different productions although I still feel terrible that we dragged poor Sarah to Death Takes a Holiday. That was a truly confusing play that turned out to be a musical that I've ever seen!

Netflix is usually on in the background which means we've binged loads of shows that I've fallen in love with. Mostly I'm a sucker for a period drama so I'm sorry to say whenever Poldark is on (and as I type this post I'm aware that it starts again THIS SUNDAY AHHHHH) my Sunday nights I wont be available as I'll be busy sitting with Demelza my Queen. Some how become a tiny bit obsessed with Riverdale as well but that may be more a Cole Sprouse thing. Defo have a thing for Disney princesses and I must have watched Cinderella 2015 about a hundred times. Lily James and Richard Madden are life! What I'm most passionate about however is my tiny cat Lady Penelope. Honourary staff member and basically boss of this place.

I'm usually around in some capacity or other, because of work I do keep some weird hours so if I'm on a long day I'll let you all know But always feel free to PM me, my proverbial door is always open! Feel free to following me on twitter as well @Vixeth but I'm pretty forgetful about actually tweeting
And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Right in front of me
31-05-2017 06:26 PM   
06:26 PM
chasing sunsets
Sancta Terra's Avatar
Name: Amy
Posts: 11,565
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Pronouns: She/Her
Royal Court
master of time and space

Yo! I’m Amy, 28, living it up in central Florida. I work at Walt Disney World (currently in Hollywood Studios attractions - Frozen Sing-Along, and soon The Great Movie Ride). I also have a bachelors degree in photography (currently collecting dust). I’ve moved a lot, living in places like New Orleans, Hawaii, South Carolina, and Jacksonville.

I have a hard core love for all things female fronted/symphonic metal, as well as countless TV shows/franchises as seen on my tumblr. I also enjoy going to conventions, and nerding it up. If you want to talk about the MCU, Doctor Who, Star Trek, Star Wars, Harry Potter, DC TV, and theme parks, I'm your girl.

I’ve been RPing since 2003, starting over on Charmed: The Prophecy in the WWD. Though the game has ended, my inspiration hasn't. I've been on House of Madness for a few years now as a moderator, and now I'm helping bring this place to life.

Though I work long hours, I’m always lurking around here, and I’m always here to talk! Feel free to send me a PM, or tweet me (here)!
31-05-2017 06:26 PM   
06:26 PM
whisper something fragile
Midnight Hands's Avatar
Name: anna evans
Posts: 20,880
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Pronouns: she/her
Royal Court
live long and prosper

Most of you already know me, but for those who don't.... I'm Anna. I'm awesome, obviously. I am also a little weird and obsessive about Chris Evans. I've been RPing for exactly 10 years this November. I live in India, which puts me in the worst time zone on the planet. I used to work for a food magazine and now food is my other main obsession. I'm currently 33 going on 60 and on a good day, I'm a little younger. I live with my brother, who drives me batty and produces a lot of crazy rants and raves because he is absolutely infuriating.

Chris Evans is my husband, I will fight you on this. Sophia Bush is my wife and my Queen, don't even try to take that away. Charlie Hunnam and Chris Hemsworth are my side pieces. I am forever faithful to Marvel, but I gotta admit that DC is slowly upping their game. I spend 90% of time reading, because books are better than people.

Some random facts about me: Never ask me to choose between 'Star Wars' and 'Star Trek', that is unfair on every level, I am chubby (see: overweight), I have never had a pet, I enjoy travelling (even if my bank account wishes otherwise), I must watch one new movie a week or my life feels empty, I have filled my apartment with bookshelves because I love books and bookshelves, I have a weakness for cop shows, I am a proud Indian (even if my PM is a damn fool sometimes) and currently I am very unemployed.

Feel free to follow me on Instagram or Tumblr!

may the force be with you
31-05-2017 06:26 PM   
06:26 PM
handsome royal heretic
Louis de Pointe du Lac's Avatar
Name: Sarah
Posts: 8,673
Status: Online
Pronouns: she/her
Royal Court
tale as old as time

Hi! So lovely to see you... figuratively, of course! For those who don't know me, I'm Sarah. Usually known as the resident Tom Hiddleston-mad girl, unless I'm masquerading as a Dan Stevens-mad girl, in which case I apologise for the confusion!

I'm the token Australian on the board, useful for being in the opposite timezone to almost everyone and therefore being extremely useful at getting things done when no one is around to see. My heart is in London, but my body is not, and I am told I have an mismatched accent that is worse after watching British anything. I adore Beauty and the Beast, and Belle is forever my princess. You can't stop me watching The 100 or Once Upon A Time, and I also have soft spots for Doctor Who, Torchwood, Disney and Poldark (where Ross is a problematic asshole 100% of the time). Throw me in some Hamilton, because Lin Manuel Miranda is my genie of choice, and some musical theatre and you've got yourselves a deal.

I started RPing in 2004 or 2005 (I'm hazy on the details) on a board based on Anne Bishop's Black Jewels Trilogy. I've steadily been dragged by people across various boards ever since and I have a special place in my heart for fantasy games. I am a notorious bookworm, and I have an avid obsession with anything Sarah J Maas, along with a healthy dose of Harry Potter, Janet Evanovich, and pretty much anything young adult. I love coffee, but tea cures all ills.

My tumblr is not the most exciting, but you'll find it here. You can also find me on the Twitterverse - @sarahsilversky!
31-05-2017 06:26 PM      

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