Winter in Bohemia Welcome The Front Lobby Wonder Woman was so good!

08:52 PM
Pop & Lock
Super Swank's Avatar
Name: Hilary
Posts: 43
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Wonder Woman was so good! [Post #1]
No? Not the point of this forum? Oh well

I'm Hilary/Hilly/Aaand-she's-posting-graphic-fight-scenes-again/Hil. I've been around on and off since around 2003 starting with C:tP and then Midnight Shadows and now here! I've definitely been feeling a non-work creative outlet-shaped hole in my heart, so when Amy posted this on Facebook I was sold. I live in Washington, D.C. (yes, we were all day drinking on Thursday) and when I'm not on the internet I do philanthropy marketing for one of the most recognized brands in the world. So, you know, no pressure or anything.

Can't wait to start playing with everyone, so if you want to plot let me know! Hoping to start small with just one character (I know, so lame) and build from there.
10-06-2017 08:52 PM   
08:54 PM
chasing sunsets
Sancta Terra's Avatar
Name: Amy
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Royal Court
Girl, we were watching Thursday at work, but switched it to Radio Disney instead.

I missed you! We need all the plots!
Sailor, come with me
I might not make you feel good
But I will make you feel something
Baby, take my hand
You're out there chasing big fish
While I'm out here chasing sunsets
10-06-2017 08:54 PM   
08:55 PM
embers in the dark
Natalie Scatorccio's Avatar
Name: Heidi
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Hi Hilary! I've seen you around but I don't think we've ever actually talked? Anyways, welcome!
what i need is a good defense

cause i'm feeling like a criminal and i need to be redeemed
10-06-2017 08:55 PM   
09:03 PM
Lando's Avatar
Name: Vicky
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High Lady
Hilary we used to RP together way back when on CtP
And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Right in front of me
10-06-2017 09:03 PM   
09:11 PM
Pop & Lock
Super Swank's Avatar
Name: Hilary
Posts: 43
Status: Offline
Amy! Did I read your intro thread right? Did you land a sweet gig at The Great Movie Ride?!

Originally Posted by What A Catch, Donnie

Hi Hilary! I've seen you around but I don't think we've ever actually talked? Anyways, welcome!
Originally Posted by Faerie Tale

Hilary we used to RP together way back when on CtP
I remember you both! Hello wonderfuls! We must RP together. Sorry, I don't make the rules
10-06-2017 09:11 PM   
09:17 PM
chasing sunsets
Sancta Terra's Avatar
Name: Amy
Posts: 11,570
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Pronouns: She/Her
Royal Court
I'm gonna be a tour guide, yep! But I also have another job I'm waiting to hear from. One which will involve booking vacations, and sitting in air conditioning. Either way, all good things!
Sailor, come with me
I might not make you feel good
But I will make you feel something
Baby, take my hand
You're out there chasing big fish
While I'm out here chasing sunsets
10-06-2017 09:17 PM   
09:23 PM
Into the Frost
Coeus's Avatar
Name: Stu
Posts: 32
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Hey Hilary!! Welcome.... I remember you from C:tP and MS.

Great to see you here
10-06-2017 09:23 PM   
09:27 PM
Pop & Lock
Super Swank's Avatar
Name: Hilary
Posts: 43
Status: Offline
Originally Posted by Phantasmic Parade

I'm gonna be a tour guide, yep! But I also have another job I'm waiting to hear from. One which will involve booking vacations, and sitting in air conditioning. Either way, all good things!


That's amazing, congratulations!

Originally Posted by Coeus

Hey Hilary!! Welcome.... I remember you from C:tP and MS.

Great to see you here
Hey Stu! Awesome to see you over here, too! Look at the old gang getting back together again
10-06-2017 09:27 PM   
09:29 PM
extramarital soy sauce
Jesse Boone's Avatar
Name: Lindsey Stan
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I think we've met before, I was over CtP, possibly, but anyway HELLO and Welcome.

'' I don't agree with extramarital soy sauce, ''
10-06-2017 09:29 PM   
09:40 PM
Pop & Lock
Super Swank's Avatar
Name: Hilary
Posts: 43
Status: Offline
HELLO! I think we may have, too, and now we definitely have for sure
10-06-2017 09:40 PM   

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