Winter in Bohemia Welcome The Front Lobby you ain't never had a friend like me

12:50 PM
Star Princess
SarasaurusRex's Avatar
Name: Sara
Posts: 92
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you ain't never had a friend like me [Post #1]
all you gotta do is rub like so

So, this was bound to happen eventually. I am Sara and I work with S!Sandra in a library in Sweden. I've roleplayed for the past 15 or so years and she found out and dragged me back into forum rping. I am grateful because I realised how much fun it is again. So here I am now!

Anyway, I'm a ladyperson in my late 20's, so late that it'll turn to early 30s in about a year. I enjoy reading, various gaming, reading, writing, reading, cross stitch embroidery, watching various movies and tv-shows and reading. I love doing my nails but I'm not very good at it and I love a nice bold lipstick. I hope I'll fit in here and that I can find more people to play with! I play a variety of characters but I like having them around my age and up because I'm a little done with playing teens, I feel. I do all and no genders and really don't like to limit myself with genres too much. I like co-creating plots and making things grow organically, and I at least imagine that I'm pretty easy-going both as a friend and fellow rp partner.

So yeah, hi! If you don't like me, I blame S!Sandra for everything.

04-09-2018 12:50 PM   
01:30 PM
races like a lion
Norris's Avatar
Name: mel
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High Lady
Hi Sara! Welcome to WiB! I'm Mel. I've only tried cross-stitch once but I really quite enjoyed stabbing something repeatedly! Currently I'm working on crochet and knitting projects in my spare time so I totally appreciate a handy hobby craft. Also, a bold look is great! I'm personally very fond of a bright red lip.

I look forward to seeing you around the board and getting to know you and your characters!

enjoy life, number 1 by a mile. [...] um, be kind, [...] learn when you've done a good job
and be happy with that. be kind to yourself and other people - but be kind to yourself, those two things are important.
04-09-2018 01:30 PM   
01:34 PM
let's be reckless, unaffected
Wild Love's Avatar
Name: Sandra
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You all have to like Sara, because she is basically me. Unless of course you don't like me either and have just been faking it this entire time. That would be a bummer.

Anyway, HAI, yes, I gladly take full responsibility for you being here!

(Also, thanks for making that song stuck in my head now. Du har aldrig haft en vän som jaaaaag!)

04-09-2018 01:34 PM   
02:16 PM
Lando's Avatar
Name: Vicky
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High Lady
Welcome Sara! I’m Vicky, our other admin and if you need any help feel free to ask! Cross stitch is something I enjoy though it’s been a long time since I’ve done it! Hope you find us a pleasant bunch as I think that we are
And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Right in front of me
04-09-2018 02:16 PM   
02:22 PM
Star Princess
SarasaurusRex's Avatar
Name: Sara
Posts: 92
Status: Offline
Oh gosh, such a nice welcome! I'm sure I'll love it here.

+2 on a bright red lip! Although I also have a fondness for "vintage" red lips too. Thank you NYX for making affordable lipsticks in many reds and pinks.
04-09-2018 02:22 PM   
02:38 PM
stargazer lillies
Meraviglioso's Avatar
Name: Bonnie
Posts: 1,258
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Welcome to the board, Sara! I'm Bonnie. I also enjoy reading, writing, various gaming and cross-stitch (although it's been a while since I've done that!) I look forward to seeing you around!
I don't know how else to say it
You're rare and beautiful
The way you see the world and teach me things that I should know
And I know it might sound silly
But stargazer lilies are hard to find
04-09-2018 02:38 PM   
04:08 PM
Star Princess
SarasaurusRex's Avatar
Name: Sara
Posts: 92
Status: Offline
So happy to see other crafting-people here! Let's all be old ladies together!
04-09-2018 04:08 PM   
04:12 PM
whisper something fragile
Midnight Hands's Avatar
Name: anna evans
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Royal Court
Hi Sara and welcome to WiB! We have a lot in common and obviously you must love books as much as Sandra! It's good to have you here!
04-09-2018 04:12 PM   
04:28 PM
Star Princess
SarasaurusRex's Avatar
Name: Sara
Posts: 92
Status: Offline
Thank you thank you! I'm happy to be here!
04-09-2018 04:28 PM   
05:13 PM
embers in the dark
Natalie Scatorccio's Avatar
Name: Heidi
Posts: 3,065
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Hey Sara! Welcome to the board!
what i need is a good defense

cause i'm feeling like a criminal and i need to be redeemed
04-09-2018 05:13 PM   

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