Winter in Bohemia Welcome The Front Lobby Greetings and Salutations

03:52 AM
Baroness of Whitestone
Lady Vex’ahlia's Avatar
Name: Sabin
Posts: 6
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Pronouns: She/Her
Greetings and Salutations [Post #1]
Hello all! It’s soooo nice to meet you (or re-meet in the case of some of you)! My name is Sabin, some of you might remember me from C:TP or MS. (Maybe, possibly?) Sadly several years ago my life did not have time for RPing and so I stepped away. But I felt something missing. Something I just couldn’t shake. So when talking to Todd as I do he just casually slipped in he was on this site and I might be interested. Little did he know (actually knowing that clever man he was fully aware) I had been thinking about the old sites and how much I missed the community and the sheer fun of writing and rping with like minded folks. I registered as soon as I was off work.

A little about me now: I still write, I still RP but usually that is DND or LARPing. I have discovered a love of Cosplay and historical clothing so I spend a lot of time on that but honestly I need other outlets. I’m 32 and live in the heart of America.

As far as RPing it’s been a while, but I have always been super fluid with that I play. I play male and female characters of most orientations, both sexual and moral lol. I do prefer fantasy games over RL based or Slice of Life kinds of things but honestly I am here to find some people to just play some RPs with so I am willing to try just about anything.

I was never good at the introduction part of these sites. Sorry. But I’m here to be involved and write some great characters with rich and complex backstories in some interesting and investing plots. I hope I don’t disappoint!
11-10-2021 03:52 AM   
03:58 AM
chasing sunsets
Sancta Terra's Avatar
Name: Amy
Posts: 11,565
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Royal Court
HELLOOOOOO!!!! It’s so good to see you on here! Welcome!
Sailor, come with me
I might not make you feel good
But I will make you feel something
Baby, take my hand
You're out there chasing big fish
While I'm out here chasing sunsets
11-10-2021 03:58 AM   
04:22 AM
handsome royal heretic
Louis de Pointe du Lac's Avatar
Name: Sarah
Posts: 8,673
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Royal Court
Sabin!! It's so lovely to see you! I remember you from my brief stint on MS - I discovered an Angelina Jolie leg signature recently that was some kind of post-off penalty back in the day.

I adore you for bringing Lady de Rollo to the table, and there's every chance Todd's yelled at you about me and D&D at this point. If not, it takes up too much of my life and I feel you.

I hope to see more of you around and yell at us if you need anything!
11-10-2021 04:22 AM   
06:24 AM
embers in the dark
Natalie Scatorccio's Avatar
Name: Heidi
Posts: 3,065
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Hey Sabin! I was on MS barely a long time ago but I remember you! Welcome! Glad to have you here <3
what i need is a good defense

cause i'm feeling like a criminal and i need to be redeemed
11-10-2021 06:24 AM   
06:29 AM
I said, you look great, baby!
Lestat de Lioncourt's Avatar
Name: Todd
Posts: 1,033
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Royal Court
Sup nerd.
11-10-2021 06:29 AM   
07:05 AM
Baroness of Whitestone
Lady Vex’ahlia's Avatar
Name: Sabin
Posts: 6
Status: Offline
Pronouns: She/Her
Oh my gosh!!!! Hey to you all!!!! So many familiar faces. *hugs all around but only to those who wants one* thank you guys for being so welcoming.
I should have told you: It’s yours.
11-10-2021 07:05 AM   
07:13 AM
whisper something fragile
Midnight Hands's Avatar
Name: anna evans
Posts: 20,880
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Royal Court
Hello Sabin and welcome to WiB! I don't think I was either of those boards, so we've never crossed paths. But it's so good to have you here and I hope to get to know you better!
11-10-2021 07:13 AM   
03:06 PM
Lando's Avatar
Name: Vicky
Posts: 15,418
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High Lady
Hi Sabin! Great to see you on here, it's been ages since the days of MS! You're really welcome here and if you need anything just give us a shout
And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Right in front of me
11-10-2021 03:06 PM   
02:37 PM
races like a lion
Norris's Avatar
Name: mel
Posts: 13,335
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High Lady
Hi Sabin! No idea if you remember me but I remember you! It’s lovely to have you here. I can’t wait to see what you bring to the board. If you need anything give us a shout on the board or discord.

enjoy life, number 1 by a mile. [...] um, be kind, [...] learn when you've done a good job
and be happy with that. be kind to yourself and other people - but be kind to yourself, those two things are important.
12-10-2021 02:37 PM   
10:39 PM
extramarital soy sauce
Jesse Boone's Avatar
Name: Lindsey Stan
Posts: 6,123
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Hi Sabin, not sure if we've ever crossed paths before, but I was over at both of those briefly. Anyway, welcome to the boards. Great to see new people.

'' I don't agree with extramarital soy sauce, ''
12-10-2021 10:39 PM   

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