Winter in Bohemia Welcome The Front Lobby Category is: Introduction Realness

10:15 PM
Fierce and Mighty
Cupid Boy's Avatar
Name: Ecks
Posts: 18
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Category is: Introduction Realness [Post #1]
Hey. I'm Ecks. I'm post 30, which is depressing all by itself. I live in the UK, Wales to be exact (which if you ask me if the best part) and I've no intention of living anywhere else. I'm a senior leader and teacher in a Primary School and now that school is officially done for the summer I've had two minutes to sign up despite Matt telling me about this place a while ago.

My job pretty much dictates my entire life although I spend most of my free time involved in amateur dramatics. I'm part of an amazing group currently rehearsing for 'Priscilla Queen of the Desert' which is on stage in September. It's probably the only time I'm ever going to get to be the leading lady (I'm playing Bernadette for anyone who is familiar with the film/movie) so I'm loving every single second of it. I mean who doesn't want to spend five hours a week screaming around in heels, lip syncing to I Will Survive?

I watch very little. I try new shows all the time but never get into them. Right now my life revolves around the wait for Outlander in the Autumn, watching Drag Race and Enterprise. Never could get beyond the first few episodes of that since it aired/finished but in preparation of the new series and of course the new films, thought I'd give it a go and now really enjoy it along with the other series. Trip is beautiful. Just putting it out there.

I've RP'ed for about half of my life, I think. I started on Charmed Cafe, jumped to C:tP and was obsessed with WWD (which is where if you know me, it's probably where from) and followed the game to MS. After some time out I was involved with House of Madness which is where I met Matt and based on his recommendation here I am. Having read a lot of intro threads it's cool to see names I recognise and some I haven't seen for a while.

So. That's it. Hello
22-07-2017 10:15 PM   
10:16 PM
embers in the dark
Natalie Scatorccio's Avatar
Name: Heidi
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Welcome Ecks!!
what i need is a good defense

cause i'm feeling like a criminal and i need to be redeemed
22-07-2017 10:16 PM   
10:22 PM
Lando's Avatar
Name: Vicky
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High Lady
Hi Ecks! Long time no see very glad that Matt dragged you over!
And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Right in front of me
22-07-2017 10:22 PM   
10:27 PM
extramarital soy sauce
Jesse Boone's Avatar
Name: Lindsey Stan
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Welcome to the board Ecks, good to see another familiar face. Also I love your av.

'' I don't agree with extramarital soy sauce, ''
22-07-2017 10:27 PM   
10:33 PM
races like a lion
Norris's Avatar
Name: mel
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I AM SO GLAD TO SEE YOU HERE ECKS! And Bernadette has some ALL of the best lines in Priscilla, including my favourite to say, "That's just what this country needs: a cock in a frock on a rock." (and also "You've got to be f***ing joking!")

enjoy life, number 1 by a mile. [...] um, be kind, [...] learn when you've done a good job
and be happy with that. be kind to yourself and other people - but be kind to yourself, those two things are important.
22-07-2017 10:33 PM   
10:37 PM
Fierce and Mighty
Cupid Boy's Avatar
Name: Ecks
Posts: 18
Status: Offline
Thanks, Heidi! Hey Vicky and Lindsey

MEL! I'M SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU. I was rereading some of our stuff from MS the other day and had an attack of feels.

Bernadette has the most amazing lines, and I love her. My personal favourite is: "...there is a woman out there wearing her very best piece of corrugated iron!" I am weak every single time xD
22-07-2017 10:37 PM   
10:39 PM
extramarital soy sauce
Jesse Boone's Avatar
Name: Lindsey Stan
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I'm also excited for the new season of Outlander. September needs to hurry up, I need more Claire/Jamie in my life and Roger/Bree.

'' I don't agree with extramarital soy sauce, ''
22-07-2017 10:39 PM   
11:20 PM
handsome royal heretic
Louis de Pointe du Lac's Avatar
Name: Sarah
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The very important thing, Ecks, is your Bernadette Welsh or Australian? XD

Welcome to WiB! It's lovely to see you!
22-07-2017 11:20 PM   
11:48 PM
walk unafraid
Obi-Wan Kenobi's Avatar
Name: Matt
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You just had to choose a distracting avatar, didn't you? XD BOY IS FINE AS HELL. But anyway, I'm so glad you're here! I can't wait to get our guys going! <3 All the feels and drama!

22-07-2017 11:48 PM   
11:50 PM
chasing sunsets
Sancta Terra's Avatar
Name: Amy
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btw juca are in svb where's noah?
Sailor, come with me
I might not make you feel good
But I will make you feel something
Baby, take my hand
You're out there chasing big fish
While I'm out here chasing sunsets
22-07-2017 11:50 PM   

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