04:26 PM
You're a Miracle
Caesarion's Avatar
Name: Dylan
Posts: 17
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Hi! [Post #1]
Keep it short and simple, right?

I'm Dylan. I'm twenty seven and I've been roleplaying for waaaay too long. Over ten years, at least. I pretty much just play guys, and I'm always down for a good old fashioned M/M pairing. I'm from the United States, in Missouri. I work in the healthcare field as a Direct Care Staff / L1MA (Level 1 Med Aide) in a group home for guys with psychiatric conditions. I have a set schedule Thursday through Sunday, which is great. The guys I work with are amazing and I love getting to work with them. It can be really rewarding. I'm in recovery. I'll be celebrating two years clean in September which is really exciting for me. I'm not that interesting. I'm kind of a loner and keep to myself, as it keeps me out of trouble. When I'm not working, I'm at home. So I tend to spend a lot of time online, and I used to use that time rping. I'd like to do that again.

I love music. I'm pretty much almost always listening to something. I'm a huge fan of stuff on the alternative spectrum, especially pop punk, but honestly I'm down to give just about anything a chance. I have no shame about listening to pop music. Right now I've been listening to a lot of Charli XCX lately, and PVRIS' new album was awesome too. I love using musician FCs, and this is probably why. I'm more 'up' on music than I am TV and stuff.

I watch some TV, but not really as much as I used too—Game of Thrones is a big one I watch (the books are better, tbh.), and I'm also a huge fan of Law & Order: SVU and Chicago PD... I kinda quit watching them both last year when I started working though. I might try and get back into them when they start back up in September, but I've kinda been converted into the Netflix Brigade so I don't mess with live TV much. I'm really excited for the second season of The Crown. I'm a giant history nerd!

I kinda stumbled upon this place by accident, but I'm actually kind of glad I did! I joined the other night but I've been busy with work so I haven't really gotten to poke around. Not to mention I was a little anxious about it, ha. I was (briefly) a member of House of Madness, back when it first opened so some of you might vaguely remember me, but if you don't that's totally cool!

This ended up being not short and not simple at all. Oh well!

I'm basically open to just about anything and everything when it comes to plotting, so if I sound like someone you'd like to write with, then I'd love to give it a shot! We can figure it out from there?
28-08-2017 04:26 PM   
04:33 PM
extramarital soy sauce
Jesse Boone's Avatar
Name: Lindsey Stan
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I love SVU and Chicago PD as well, though I've not watched SVU in a little while, but I think I'll probably start watching again. But Chicago PD I've continued to watch. I love Chicago Fire and Med as well. Don't know if you've ever watched those.

Anyway welcome to the boards, I'm Lindsey, and if you need anything or want to plot or whatever let me know.

'' I don't agree with extramarital soy sauce, ''
28-08-2017 04:33 PM   
04:42 PM
let's be reckless, unaffected
Wild Love's Avatar
Name: Sandra
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I remember you! Hi! I'm Sandra. The Swedish one.

28-08-2017 04:42 PM   
04:46 PM
Lando's Avatar
Name: Vicky
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High Lady
Hi there Dylan! Glad you managed to stumble across us and I hope you make yourself at home
And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Right in front of me
28-08-2017 04:46 PM   
04:52 PM
races like a lion
Norris's Avatar
Name: mel
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First of all, congratulations on your sobriety. That can't have been an easy journey but your hard work is so admirable. (You're also very correct about Game of Thrones, the books are so much better)

Welcome to WiB, we're so happy to have you here. I hope that you find it a fun and happy place to be and that we will see you around in our lovely games!

enjoy life, number 1 by a mile. [...] um, be kind, [...] learn when you've done a good job
and be happy with that. be kind to yourself and other people - but be kind to yourself, those two things are important.
28-08-2017 04:52 PM   
06:28 PM
embers in the dark
Natalie Scatorccio's Avatar
Name: Heidi
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Welcome Dylan! PVRIS are my babies and I agree the new album is UGH PERFECT!
what i need is a good defense

cause i'm feeling like a criminal and i need to be redeemed
28-08-2017 06:28 PM   
06:43 PM
chasing sunsets
Sancta Terra's Avatar
Name: Amy
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Welcome! If you have any questions, feel free to let me know!

And Game of Thrones! Can we talk about that finale???
Sailor, come with me
I might not make you feel good
But I will make you feel something
Baby, take my hand
You're out there chasing big fish
While I'm out here chasing sunsets
28-08-2017 06:43 PM   
04:09 AM
Hereeee's Bewear!
Bewear's Avatar
Name: Krystal
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I'm echoing Mel here and congratulations on your sobriety!
Also welcome to this board, everyone here is so lovely and supportive of each either I know you'll love it here. If you can't tell I'm the resident big kid here who still loves Pokémon since it came to Australia. I'm also on the same boat with Netflix, I don't watch live tv much anymore if at all and also LOVE The Crown!

29-08-2017 04:09 AM   
10:42 PM
Targaryen's Avatar
Posts: n/a
Hey Dylan, welcome to the board! Hope to see you around and maybe even RP sometime.
31-08-2017 10:42 PM   
08:28 PM
You're a Miracle
Caesarion's Avatar
Name: Dylan
Posts: 17
Status: Offline
Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! The last couple days have been super hectic, but I'll be looking around the games a little more this weekend and decide where I wanna jump in first.

I've watched a little bit of Chicago Fire, Lindsey, but Chicago is PD is definitely my favorite of the Chicago series. I watched a few episodes of Chicago Med when it first came out but it didn't really hold my interest. I may try to jump back into it when the new season comes back though.

Hi Sandra! I remember you!

Thanks, Mel. It was incredibly hard, especially at first, but thankfully it's gotten so much easier. I'm in a completely different place now and it's incredible. The Game of Thrones series is so great. I literally binged the books from about March to June and read through all of them back to back. It was a ride, but I'm so glad I did it!

I totally agree Heidi, I am in looooove with the new album. I just love them, I still listen to their first album constantly.

I was a huge Pokemon fan growing up, Krystal. I still love the games, though I honestly haven't played any of the new ones. I sort of tapped out during the DS gen, but I'll always fond memories of them. I'm excited you love The Crown! I don't know anyone else who watches it, haha.
01-09-2017 08:28 PM   

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