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RPG Hack Tutorial [Post #1]
Joining the Game
Joining the game is simple! Please check the AI lists to check which AI's are available before reserving one for your character. Members may have a maximum of 10 characters in the game. Contributors please refer to the contributors page for character counts.

Submitting Your Character
Follow these steps, with a little help from these screenshots, and you should be well on your way to submitting a character in the new format.

1. Select RPG from the top navigation bar and you will arrive on this page.

2. From here, you select the game you wish to submit the biography for. Every game is mentioned on this page, so pick and choose! On the left side of the window, you’ll see a box with links, select the one that says “Submit Biography”

4. Fill out all the fields that are marked, mostly all the fields are important, so don’t leave out any. If you have any questions, you can always get in touch with one of the staff members.

5. Once you have filled out the form, the biography goes in for approval. The staff will take a thorough look at your biography. If there are any changes or edits required, we will get in touch with you for that.

6. You will get a notification letting you know when your character has been approved and is ready to be played. Till you get that notification, do not post anywhere on the board as that character

7. IMPORTANT INFORMATION You are free to edit your character biography as and when you please, but every time you edit the character information, your character goes back into Pending stage and the staff have to approve your biography again. So please try to keep your edits as limited as possible.

Setting up Your Character
As soon as your character is approved, you may upload avatars/images for the account. To go about doing this, follow these next few steps.

1. Go into the RPG section again and on the left side, select "Manage Your Characters" and it will open up into a page where your characters are listed.

2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will find three links, select "Upload New Image".

3. Choose the character for whom you wish to upload an avatar and select that file.

- Character avatars must be 300x200, if it is bigger than that in size, you cannot upload it.
- You are allowed to upload TWO GIFs per character and the other THREE images must be stills.

4. This is what your avatar library will look like and you can add up to FIVE images per character, following the above instructions.

Posting as Your Character
When you’re in the game, you don’t have to worry about switching character accounts anymore thanks to fantastic new hack! Scroll down to the bottom, to the text box and follow the rest of the steps.

1. On the left side of the text box, below your username and avatar, you will find a drop down box that says “Post In Character”, open that drop down box and you will find all your characters for that game.

2. Select the character (and image) you’d like to use and you’ll see it on the left, along with the character name.

3. Once you’re done working on your post, you just have to hit “Post Reply” and you’re done.

4. And this is what your post will look like finally. You can edit it as much as you want without having to switch character accounts.

Retiring Your Character
No more filling out a PM to the staff to drop your character, you can do this with just one click. And the best part is that your character stays in your RPG section just in case you want to bring them back at a later stage. And to retire a character, here's how you go about doing that.

1. Select the character from your list and open up their biography page. At the bottom of the box, you'll see the option to EDIT | MANAGE. All you have to do is select EDIT.

2. You then arrive at a page where you can edit details of your character's biography. On the right side, there is a drop down box, once you open that you'll see these options. Select RETIRE. It then goes to the staff to retire your character for you.

3. If you want to bring this character back, all you have to do is follow the first step to get back to the character bio page and instead of Retire, the drop down now says ACTIVATE. And the character is back in business!

08-09-2017 07:03 PM   

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