Winter in Bohemia Welcome Winter Telegrams Member of the Month!

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Member of the Month! [Post #1]
Member of the Month!

We thought that going into our third year we'd try to get to know our members a little more! We want to know what makes you you and your characters so fascinating.

We love you guys and this is your spotlight!

Give me a reason to love you
06-02-2020 03:33 PM   
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Bonnie - Dive Bar Saints

This month we're getting to know Bonnie. Bonnie is someone I've known peripherally since Midnight Shadows. Her characters are wonderful and complex and always great to read. She herself is a wonderful individual. I sent her a few questions and may have mislead her as to the reason why (sorry, Bonnie! It was for a good cause!) in hopes of getting to know her a little better. I hope you all enjoy getting to know Bonnie and what makes her wonderful.

name? Bonnie
where are you located? The Netherlands
do you have any non-rp hobbies? Story-writing, yoga, crafty things (crochet, cross-stitch, other things as the mood strikes me), travelling.
tea, coffee or something else? Definitely tea. I have a whole collection of loose-leaf tea
what superpower would you have? Teleportation
describe your dream day? It probably involves board games and/or a great movie, tea, possibly popcorn and (a) friend(s).
your favourite song at the moment? Life ain’t Fair by Canaan Smith
recommend one thing you think everyone should see/hear/do/experience: Comic Con. It’s so hard to describe what it is like but in my experience there is always so much to do and something fun for everyone to find.

how long have you been roleplaying? I was about 13/14, so 15/16 years now, on and off.

how did you get into roleplaying? I’m not sure actually. I think someone suggested it to me – I’ve always loved writing.

who was your first character? I have absolutely no idea. I can’t remember.

what do you struggle the most with when it comes to roleplaying? Motivation. It’s not that I don’t enjoy role-playing, otherwise I wouldn’t do it, but often it’s hard to sit myself down and remind myself how much I love it.

what are your favourite scenes/storylines to roleplay? Scenes where something happens, usually involving some kind of drama.

what kind of characters do you like playing? It varies. There was a time when I had a mostly male line-up, but that’s shifted and it’s more even now. They’re mostly all good guys though – maybe time for a change?

real life or magical/fantasy? Either. It depends on the character and storyline.

would you introduce us to your favourite character you’ve created? I don’t just have one favourite, but I’ll talk about the character that’s been with me the longest and who has gone through the most.

His name’s Luca Ashriel. When I first created him, he was messed up. He had been raised by his criminal father after his mother had been murdered (by his father) and as such had followed in his father’s footsteps. Eventually Luca found out what his father had done, and in turn, Luca murdered his father. This was a pivotal moment in his life, and over the next few years he tried to change his ways, even joining the forces of good as a witch, claiming his mother’s heritage. This is where he met Jess, who had everything to do with the process that changed him and allowed him to become the man he is now. All these years later, Jess and Luca are happily married, they have two beautiful children and Luca leads a safe haven for supernatural beings in Barcelona.

06-02-2020 04:54 PM      
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Name: mel
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Lindsey - Bucky Barnes

This month we're getting to know Lindsey. Lindsey is someone I've had the pleasure of meeting in person. She is kind and inquisitive and creative. Lindsey has created some interesting and multifaceted characters that have graced our board and others. Like her characters, Lindsey is a travel bug who has been off on many adventures. I hope you're all ready to get to know her better!

name? Lindsey
where are you located? Manchester, England
do you have any non-rp hobbies? Photography, none rp writing, reading,
tea, coffee or something else? smoothies, watermelon flavoured water (still),
what superpower would you have? I think I'd probably want Telekinesis, I think it would come in handy now and then.
describe your dream day? exploring a new place, taking photos especially architecture photos.
your favourite song at the moment? No Time To Die by Billie Eilish
recommend one thing you think everyone should see/hear/do/experience: I was introduced to Michael Malarkey the beginning of last year, he's an actor/musician, he played Enzo in the Vampire Diaries, and is now in Project Bluebook, but you should definitely check out his music. He's got a great voice.

how long have you been roleplaying? at least 10-15 years, possibly more than that.

how did you get into roleplaying? I can’t remember exactly but I started role playing shortly after joining message boards. I first started on Invision Free boards before going onto VBulletin boards. Writing has helped me a great deal and is something I really enjoy.

who was your first character? I can't remember my first character, but one of my oldest characters is Charlotte Ross. She is a nurse and was the sister of one of Anna's characters, George Ross, and ended up marrying a guy she went to school with. I really enjoyed playing her and is someone I would definitely love to bring back again at some point.

what do you struggle the most with when it comes to roleplaying? I think I probably struggle with motivation and confidence.

what are your favourite scenes/storylines to roleplay? It seems I like the angsty ones at the moment, but I also like romantic ones. I often get inspiration from various sources, like books and tv.

what kind of characters do you like playing? I don't think I've ever yet written a bad characters, but I would like to challenge myself by writing a bad character. I think I mainly write good characters, though characters who've made mistakes, but I would like to branch out a bit.

real life or magical/fantasy? I'm actually into both, but I think I love fantasy/magical more, I love the possibilities and the kinds of characters you can create and that it's not just human characters. I have a bit of a thing for vampires so like playing those but have played others before. I'd like to try other species though.

would you introduce us to your favourite character you’ve created? I have more than one fave so it took me a while to decide. One I'm actually currently playing.

I'd like to introduce you to Kaitlyn Hitchcock. She was born into a wealthy family, quite an old school wealthy family, one that believes in arranged marriages, practically from birth as if it was still the 18th or 19th century. In fact that's exactly what her parents did to Kaitlyn, arranging for her to marry the son of friends of theirs. She tried to love Jon, the man her parents arranged for her to marry, but she ended up falling in love with his brother Oliver, definitely not planned or something she expected. But then again you can't help who you fall in love with. She became pregnant but had no idea who the father was. Jon learned about Kaitlyn and his brother, and well that's when her life kind of blew up. After losing the baby she moved to Prague, where she now lives working in an art gallery and has since discovered that Oliver is also there.

I want to continue to explore her more, I'd like for her to get a happy ending, after everything she's been through, but she still feels guilt over what happened between Jon and his brother and herself, who knows whether she'll get that happy ending or not, I'd like to at least try.
01-03-2020 08:40 PM   
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Kirsten - Abandon Ship

This month we're getting to know Kirsten. I only know Kirsten from my interactions with her on the board. I know that she likes Benedict Cumberbatch and works for the courts. I'm under the impression that she likes 30 Seconds to Mars (I could be wrong) so getting to know her more is a privilege.

name? Kirsten
where are you located? Redcliffe, Qld Australia
do you have any non-rp hobbies? No.
tea, coffee or something else? Lemonade.
what superpower would you have?Teleportation.
describe your dream day? Going to a concert or another live show like comedy or theatre.
your favourite song at the moment? Have Faith In Me - A Day To Remember
recommend one thing you think everyone should see/hear/do/experience: Travel. Make plans, go places. Life isn’t meant to be lived in one place. ( well, besides now with corona) but under normal circumstances.
how long have you been roleplaying? Around 15 years or so.

how did you get into roleplaying? I honestly don’t remember 😂. Pure luck? Came across a rpg page and started.

who was your first character? Chris.

what do you struggle the most with when it comes to roleplaying? I want to scene with more people so I’m trying to broaden who I write with.

what are your favourite scenes/storylines to roleplay? I’m not really into fantasy so I prefer to write in reality based games. I love slow builds in relationships and stuff, where the longer it goes on the more intense it gets .... I’m not really big on happy endings until all other endings are done. I enjoy making these go off course just because it’s fun and challenging.

what kind of characters do you like playing?

People with a past to pull stuff out of. I guess that’s why I have avoided younger characters so I’m trying to build on that. I like characters who aren’t easy, who like to be a mess or make one. I like characters with a bit of drama.

real life or magical/fantasy?

Real life.

would you introduce us to your favourite character you’ve created? Chris Becker-Reid is a complicated, drug addicted problem with a huge history. He’s my oldest character and probably has the biggest life experience to draw on because he wasn’t created with anything specific in mind. He sort of became what he is over time which is why he’s my favourite. You think he’s going one way and surprises you. His relationship with Ivan is my absolute favourite. I couldn’t admire Sarah as a writer more cause she really jumped on board and expanded the universe that Chris and Al live in.

05-04-2020 09:11 PM   
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Jax - Reckless Love

This month we're getting to know Jax. My interactions with Jax have been purely through OOC channels but I've been reading her scenes since we were both on another board. I was quite awed by some of the backstories she created and I've always wanted to know more about the process so this month we're all lucky to get to delve right in.

name? Jax
where are you located? Texas 🤠
do you have any non-rp hobbies? I'm obsessed with all things true crime, so any shows or podcasts that I can consume is my go-to. I also love to read, and watch my husband play video games.
tea, coffee or something else? Coffee!!! I love sweet tea, but I can't do warm tea.
what superpower would you have? I'd love to be able to teleport anywhere.
describe your dream day? I definitely would have the day off work, and I would love to just have both sides of our families together to relax. A swimming pool would be involved.
your favourite song at the moment? I honestly don't listen to music very often anymore - it's all true crime podcasts 😂
recommend one thing you think everyone should see/hear/do/experience: I think everyone should see Trans-Siberian Orchestra live. Their music is so fantastic and the story that goes along with their Christmas tour is incredible. I highly recommend it. I haven't been to see them in a while, but we're trying to figure out when we can go. My hubby hasn't seen them yet! I've seen them 4 times now.

how long have you been roleplaying? I started in the late 90's when my parents got a computer, so I was around 13.

how did you get into roleplaying? My best friend in junior high and I would co-write stories together. We'd get a spiral notebook and pass it back and forth and write characters for it. We also would cut out people from magazines to put faces to our characters. I somehow found Charmed Boards and wandered into the member-led games. It was the digital version of what me and my friend did, so I was hooked really fast.

who was your first character? I don't remember my first ever character. But the first one that I do remember is Vera Maran. She was from Salem, MA and was severely affected by her brother's death. I actually did quite a lot with her, and she had horrendous luck with guys. It was pretty bad, tbh.

what do you struggle the most with when it comes to roleplaying? Finding the time to do it. Now that I'm a mom, when I'm not working I have to be mom. Though my hubby is very supportive and if I tell him I need to write, he'll take over with Amelia. But then comes the energy/creativity that I need for writing lol

what are your favourite scenes/storylines to roleplay? Drama! I have a hard time writing scenes that don't include some sort of drama.

what kind of characters do you like playing? I like characters with baggage. Whether it's abuse, or drug use, or anything dark like that... I love characters with tragic pasts.

real life or magical/fantasy? Real life. I have a hard time wrapping my head around a lot of lore that is the base for fantasy... I overthink way too much lol

would you introduce us to your favourite character you’ve created? Gosh, there have been so many. I think my absolute favorite would be Kora Blackwell from Abraxas. She started out so heartless and evil, but once she fell in love and had a baby, she became such a softy. It was a lot of fun to do that kind of character development.
08-05-2020 03:30 AM      
06:30 AM
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Name: mel
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Heidi - Petals for Armor

This month we're getting to know Heidi. I've been acquainted with Heidi for a few years now. I feel lucky to have gotten to see her grow, peripherally, through some tough times in recent years. She has some very interesting characters and is genuinely caring of others on the board. I have been looking forward to getting to know her a little better this month.

name? Heidi
where are you located? Washington State, about 30 minutes outside of Seattle
do you have any non-rp hobbies? playing board games with my family, watching movies
tea, coffee or something else? iced coffee and I have a slight obsession with Monster Energy Drinks lol
what superpower would you have? I’d want to talk to animals and probably teleport too
describe your dream day? any day not working lol. Ideally I would be camping with my family or exploring another country like France or Greece
your favourite song at the moment? I have a few but July by Noah Cyrus and Dandelion by Gabbie Hanna come to mind first
recommend one thing you think everyone should see/hear/do/experience: go to a concert and just let yourself have the best damn time of your life

how long have you been roleplaying? gosh I think I’ve been roleplaying since I was around 11?

how did you get into roleplaying? I was obsessed with Degrassi and the channel it was on at the time was The N and they had a website that had a role playing area. It didn’t use actors as your character you just described them and sometimes you actually did have this little LEGO looking person to dress up. It’s weird to describe. But then I joined a board more like ours called Degrassi Boards, or DB, which introduced me to the rp I know now. That let me to Perfect Ending and where my real love for roleplaying began

who was your first character? The first one I really remember was a dancer on Perfect Ending using Tammin Sursock, she played Jenna on Pretty Little Liars, who was a singer and actress I think.

what do you struggle the most with when it comes to roleplaying? posting? Haha. I have so many half formed ideas and people I want to use and I make a character who I fall in love with and then I can’t find them any plots. I’ll maybe get an LI or sibling but that was pretty much it. It’s not quite like that as much now but for the longest time I would just make a million characters and never post them. I also struggle with getting in the writing mindset. I’ll sit in front of a post all ready to go, and then doubt or something hits me and I stare at it for awhile and give up. I think I’m my own worst enemy in that way

what are your favourite scenes/storylines to roleplay? I’m a pretty boring, quiet and shy person so I always tend to try and do more fun and interesting scenes. I’m really trying to do more than the usual “two meet up and just talk” scenes, unless they’re needed to introduce to characters to each other the first time

what kind of characters do you like playing? I prefer girls over guys and I usually tend to make punk rocker type characters. Slightly misunderstood and initially someone who may not look inviting till you get to know them. The opposite of me honestly haha.

real life or magical/fantasy? I like both, some games just intrigue more than others but not cause of them being real or not. It does seem like I go towards real life but I do enjoy both

would you introduce us to your favourite character you’ve created? Indiana Rhodes, or Indy as she usually went by, is a witch living in Louisiana and going to an American magic school called Le Coeur de Marais. She’s from a large family and is one of the younger siblings. Indy is the quiet ones, usually stuck to her schoolwork and stayed away from big crowds and anything crazy. There wasn’t anything big or exciting about her life.

But her senior year at school, the group of evil wizards and witches called Les Cranes kidnapped a bunch of students and staff, including Indy. She was kicked and cursed and ended up with some broken limbs. She didn’t know why she was a target other than her older brother having been on a council or something, she was never one to keep tabs on her siblings like that. She was in the hospital for awhile healing and realized just how lonely she was in the world since she didn’t have an over abundance of visitors. The whole experience left her with PTSD and nightmares but she went to therapy and was able to talk about it to her therapist and decide to talk to others who experienced the same. She became an Unspeakable and really started to open up and see life in a new life even after the pain she had gone through.

I really wanted to explore Indy more cause she was the most in depth character I had and she was definitely a more different character growth than anyone else I’ve ever played.
03-06-2020 06:30 AM      
09:09 PM
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Todd - Orpheus

This month we're getting to know Todd. I'm not really sure how long I've known Todd. It feels like forever. He's just been a part of my online life for a long time. That said, we haven't really interacted in-character a whole lot. So while I could tell you about which cocktails I associate with Todd, I'm a bit rusty on all of the characters his beautiful mind has turned out over the years. Let's get to know our resident dungeon master, Todd!

name? Todd, I think.

where are you located? Atlanta, GA

do you have any non-rp hobbies? I do! Does Dungeons & Dragons count? It's RPing but it's super different from what we do here.

tea, coffee or something else? Both! It really depends on the day and how much sleep I have or have not had.

what superpower would you have? Telekinesis but with the ability to move myself. That'd cover everything I want.

describe your dream day? Lounging by the pool with the older college student working for my father in my Italian villa during the summer of 1983. But if I had to be realistic, it'd likely be something like wandering through a city that I've never been to, which I wish I could do in these weird times.

your favourite song at the moment? America - Sufjan Stevens

recommend one thing you think everyone should see/hear/do/experience: Everyone should try and play Dungeons & Dragons at least once. It's so much fun and you can lose so much time to it.

how long have you been roleplaying? I want to say 16 years? I started at Charmed: The Prophecy when I was 13 and I've been roleplaying on and off since then.

how did you get into roleplaying? I was a massive Charmed nerd and Charmed: The Prophecy had a game where I could move things with my mind. I would say I'm embarrassed by my earliest writing but we all start somewhere.

who was your first character? His name was Verge. Don't ask. In my mind, Adam is my oldest and truest original character because he wasn't a pain-in-the-neck self-insert that I used solely to get myself into a game.

what do you struggle the most with when it comes to roleplaying? Introducing conflict. Even when it matches my character's motivations entirely, it can be hard to push past the discomfort and see the benefits of characters overcoming adversity.

what are your favourite scenes/storylines to roleplay? I thrive on pining and longing. Who doesn't love a bit of friends to lovers? Characters that are desperate for the affection/attention of someone are just delightful to play.

what kind of characters do you like playing? It depends. I like characters that are self-assured and know themselves. I like finding my confidence through them.

real life or magical/fantasy? Oh GOSH you wouldn't make me choose, would you? But in general I prefer urban fantasy or hard fantasy.

would you introduce us to your favourite character you’ve created? I would say it would have to be Adam Conlin. He was a powerful witch that had been through a number of trials and tribulations in the pursuit of conquering evil, but ultimately he was unfulfilled. He formed a relationship with another witch and when they settled down and decided to leave the conflict of good vs. evil behind, it ended up functionally ending their story, but he was the character I was with the longest. Also, his face was Ben Barnes and I'm very possessive.

08-07-2020 09:09 PM   
12:58 AM
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Name: mel
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Amy - Twilight Reverie

Sorry for that short break! This month we're getting to know Amy. I believe that I've known Amy since the days of Midnight Shadows. She was a part of the WWD gang so we didn't really cross paths. Skip forward about a decade and a bit and here we are! Amy has a knack for crafting interesting characters with a rich backstory. I will always associate her with Jessikah Slater, but that's just me! Let's see what Amy has to say about her characters and herself!

name? - Amy Wuertz
where are you located? - Ocala, FL
do you have any non-rp hobbies? - Theme parks, conventions, going to the movies
tea, coffee or something else? - tea, or wine
what superpower would you have? - Teleportation, because it would be way cheaper than an airplane
describe your dream day? - Depends on the mood. A day off with pajamas, my laptop, and my favorite movies is pretty great. But I also love a good theme park day with my friends, where I don’t have to drive home, and can just curl up in a hotel room with Uber Eats.
your favourite song at the moment? - The Human:||:Nature album by Nightwish (Sorry, I can't pick one song)
recommend one thing you think everyone should see/hear/do/experience - Go to another country, and explore a non-touristy area/town.

how long have you been roleplaying? - With a few years off, since 2003.

how did you get into roleplaying? - Charmed. It led me to message boards, which let me to WWD back when it was on Charmed: The Prophecy.

who was your first character? - A poorly written vampire named Red Apollo.

what do you struggle the most with when it comes to roleplaying? - Trusting my own creativity, and just learning how to write decently.

what are your favourite scenes/storylines to roleplay? - I tend to lean towards romantic plots. Usually with some sort of drama.

what kind of characters do you like playing? - I tried to play bad guys, but failed miserably. Usually good people, or a character with a traumatizing past. It also depends on the game.

real life or magical/fantasy? - Real life lately, but I can find things to enjoy in both.

would you introduce us to your favourite character you’ve created? - Jessickah Slater-Ashriel is the character who I’ve played the longest (She was submitted on December 30th, 2008. I'll never forget the date :P). She’s a witch with some mind reading abilities, who lost her parents tragically as a teenager. She then joined a coven, and rebuilt her life, fell in love, and rose up through the ranks. She really grew into such a strong leader, wife, and mother. Her story with Luca Ashriel has been quite chaotic, but their relationship has even overcome death, so they can handle anything. If you have an hour, I can tell you every aspect of this character I’ve explored, because I’ve been playing her for a decade. Right now, she's making sense of the world of Barcelona, being able to share her powers publicly, and raising her kids in that world.

Give me a reason to love you
01-11-2020 12:58 AM   
10:08 PM
you are my house. my home.
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Name: mel
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Sarah - Domino

This month we're getting to know Sarah. I decided that one day I was going to make Sarah be my friend. Cut to a few years later we created a whole family plot while flying down the A30/M5/M4 between the butt of Cornwall and London. Sarah has a wicked knack for making some very interesting characters once you really get to know them. Now, get your sloth plushies and a glass of water while we get to know her a bit better.

name? Sarah
where are you located? Brisbane, Australia
do you have any non-rp hobbies? I read a lot, and I spend a substantial time thinking about, watching, or playing D&D. I also play violin and I rehearse with a local orchestra weekly.
tea, coffee or something else? Both tea and coffee! I probably lean more into coffee though.
what superpower would you have? Honestly, I've never been able to answer that question. I don't want to fly and I certainly don't want to be invisible. Maybe some kind of transfiguration could be cool.
describe your dream day? Somewhere in northern Italy, under the trees in an orchard with a book and no obligations. More realistically, hours and hours of tabletop and board games with wine and some good people.
your favourite song at the moment? Spotify says my song for 2020 was Troye Sivan's 'Take Yourself Home', but I'd be lying if 'Stand Tall' from Julie and the Phantoms doesn't get stuck in my head with alarming frequency.
recommend one thing you think everyone should see/hear/do/experience: I know Todd said it, but I want to second a good Dungeons and Dragons session. It's a different take on the roleplay concept, especially if fantasy is your go-to, while also being a great game to play, but it's a great way just to learn about yourself and develop personally in ways you never saw coming.

how long have you been roleplaying? I started roleplaying in around 2005 or 2006 on a small Invisionfree board called Jewels, a game based on the Black Jewels Trilogy. We had about 6 members, and it didn't hang around long, but it was a great place to start.

how did you get into roleplaying? I was linked onto that board from a book nerd forum called Kaeleer, related to the same series. Someone posted up an ad about this website where you could create and write your own characters with other people in this world and I went, "That sounds cool. I want to try." I've never stopped.

who was your first character? My first character was a from a class of witches called Black Widows, by the name of Satine Mandalis. She was from a rich family of a long-lived race, a much older sister and... actually I don't remember a lot else about her at this point. She didn't exactly have much of a complex background or character development. Once we progressed from using art as avatars to celebrities, her AI was Natalie Portman, I can tell you that much.

what do you struggle the most with when it comes to roleplaying? 'Bad' or evil aligned characters. I'd love to do it; I think it'd be delightful. But my brain has a natural instinct to lean towards actual nice people, so implementing that kind of alignment or action never comes across at quite the angle or with the edge I'd like to see it. My bad or evil characters come off soft or halfway decent and I just stare at them and be like, "Why are you even like this? This is not the point." That's my struggle. Oh, that and smut. Oh god.

what are your favourite scenes/storylines to roleplay? It's always hard to go past a good relationship dynamic. I love a good enemies to lovers trope or a healthy bit of pining, but at the same time, there's also nothing like the meat that comes with the drama and emotions when things get complex. Watching a relationship develop and unfold naturally in front of me without me needing to give much prompting gives me joy.

what kind of characters do you like playing? I mean, I end up playing a lot of control freaks, so read into that what you will, but I don't think that's what I like playing particularly. It's just that bit of me that bleeds in. I like characters where I can latch into a their personal development and their journey, and those that gives a good bit of banter. Banter is important.

real life or magical/fantasy? Probably I lean harder into fantasy, but I enjoy both. Usually it depends on the character and the plot. I'll always fall harder into something when I've connected with the voice I'm working with. There's just something about the option of being otherworldly.

would you introduce us to your favourite character you’ve created? I have so many favourites from across the years that pinning down one feels like betrayal and I'll have to go away and apologise. I live intensely for those characters that create themselves and then bust into your head fully fleshed out, demanding to be on the page. There's this automatic connection that makes the voice and emotion instinctive, and it's just a joy to be able to write them.

But of everyone, it makes sense to highlight Ivan Reid, or Becker-Reid as he is these days. Ivan wandered into my head in 2007 when this other Australian role-player I'd not really spoken to threw her character out for more connections and I agreed to make someone. A brief outline later, and in walked this confident, cynical, somewhat entitled record producer with Jude Law's face. He's never left. Ivan was manipulative, driven out of an intense need for control of his life and other people, but his chemistry with Chris was undeniable from the outset. He has always been bad with commitment, worse at expressing his feelings, and it's damaged his relationship more times than I can count any more. Somehow it continues to be a joy to fall into his headspace when I go to write those posts. He needs to sort out his shit at some point, but it's anyone's guess at this point, mine included, what will make it stick.


Give me a reason to love you
08-12-2020 10:08 PM      
04:05 PM
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Name: mel
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Anna - Midnight Hands

This month we're getting to know Anna. In the interest of complete transparency, I was so intimidated by Anna when we were first introduced. She was prolific and consistent and had this catalogue of characters that made me question everything. But then I talked to her a bit and our characters chilled for a bit and she was the first person we asked to jump aboard the WiB train to get her up and going. Anna is the first person to offer to RP with just about everyone. I've only known her a few years, though, and there's plenty about her roleplaying past I'd love to know. So, without further ado, let's catch up with Anna.

name? Anna
where are you located? In a galaxy far far away. Or we could say India
do you have any non-rp hobbies? Does sleep count? I love baking and bingewatching stuff. I don't consider reading a hobby, but I guess to most people it would be!
tea, coffee or something else? Tea. And hot cocoa.
what superpower would you have? Teleportation. I am super lazy and if I can get to places without the effort, I'd take it.
describe your dream day? It would definitely be the kind of day where I don't have any responsibilities - home or work. So wake up leisurely, drink my tea and read a book and then keep reading said book till I fall back asleep.
your favourite song at the moment? "Mindreader" by A Day To Remember
recommend one thing you think everyone should see/hear/do/experience: Bungee Jumping! It was exhilarating. I'm not sure if the current version of me would do it again, but I think everyone should experience it at least once!

how long have you been roleplaying? Oh wow, not as long as most? I started around 2009, I believe on some inivisionfree boards till I found Perfect Ending.

how did you get into roleplaying? Totally by accident. I had joined Tumblr with some friends and when the 2009 Star Trek movie came out, we were all obsessed. Someone in that group introduced me to RPing and then I start writing with them and now here we are!

who was your first character? Charlie Dixon, or maybe her surname was someone else. I was in love with everything Tina Majorino and she was the AI. I made the mistake of writing her history too similar to mine and then I had to drop her, because the similarities were too much

what do you struggle the most with when it comes to roleplaying? Resisting the urge to write more characters! Other than that, it's the finding the perfect job to align with the characters personality that stumps me.

what are your favourite scenes/storylines to roleplay? I love playing angst. I love diving deep into scenes where characters are exposing their hearts, minds and souls. I am a drama addict, which is hilarious because I hate it in real life.

what kind of characters do you like playing? I just realised that I really enjoy writing male characters. I get to write them the way I wish men really were in my life or in the world. I also like playing characters with some pain and damage that is hard to overcome at first. The growth is my favourite part.

real life or magical/fantasy? I enjoy fantasy, but real life gives me a lot more freedom with life choices and the like

would you introduce us to your favourite character you’ve created? George Ross. Without a doubt. He's one of my oldest characters and he's gone through quite a bit in terms of his life and his personality. I love that I got to move George with me across three RP boards, because he's that precious to me. Writing him has given me the freedom to really play everything - a cocky stud, a loving husband, an excited father, a caring brother and a best friend. I doubt I could ever part with him!


Give me a reason to love you
01-02-2021 04:05 PM   

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